It becomes very important to know what career options are available in the web industry. Or what you can do as a web developer. Web development field offers one of the most demanding careers in the current industry scenario and its scope is rising day by day. So if you want to build your career in the web design and web development, then it is high time to start with us since wonderful career options for a web developer are waiting in the industry.

Employment status in the web development industry
A survey recently conducted by StackOverflow indicates that this field offers job options for everyone. Fulltime, part time, freelancing, self employment are few modes are available to work on with flexible work arrangements.

Data by Stack Overflow
Feeling interested about the job of a web developer? Let’s go dipper into his tasks, skills set and available career options in web development.
Before discussing that what a web developer can do, let us first discuss who is called a web developer.
Who is called as web developer?
A web developer is a person who can provide solutions which can be run on the web, they can create and maintain any type of websites, web apps and web related services and these all usually runs on the internet.
If you don’t know about the types of websites then it is important to have a look at the given list to grasp everything.
Types of websites
Although there can be many categories of websites like responsive websites, fixed websites, adaptable websites etc. But technically there are two kinds of websites available on the internet, first one is a static type of website and the another one is called dynamic website.
Let me tell you about both.
1. Static Website
A static website, generally have a set of numbers of pages which runs on the browser with same layout structure. And it doesn’t responds according to the users inputs, it is made up of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and its frameworks only.
2. Dynamic Website
A dynamic website can generate dynamic contents, it does also uses some of the dynamic programming languages, such as JavaScript and PHP or Python or Node.js or Asp in the backend so the website can responds to user activities apart from database systems like MySQL and Django.
When it comes to creating a dynamic website; we cannot skip PHP. You can get your hands set on dynamic website designing with our PHP course which covers MySQL training too.
List of wonderful career options in web development for a developer
There are different kinds of job areas in web development. Let’s explore them.
Types of web development
Web development is mainly divided into two parts: front end web development and backend web development but if someone is capable of doing the both types then it is known as full stack web development.
There are different kinds of web developers out there in the industry, some of the web developers are considered as front-end web developer, and some are back end web developer and the person who can do both front-end as well as back end development of the website’s are known as full stack developer and the work they do are called web development.
Let’s put it simply.
We will first know about front-end web development and job profiles coming in it.
What is Front-end web development?
Front-end web development is the process which includes the planning, designing, and development of the websites related to its outer look or appearance. It includes the formation of the initial structure of any website which we can see clearly like adding content, images, footer, sidebars, header, navigation, contact forms, etc.
Job profiles: This type of web development needs two types of specialized people on general basis: an UI designer and an UI developer.
UI designer
UI designer is a person who plans and designs the layouts of websites from the scratch. This person have to create an idea layout of the website first, and then will start making the wireframes, and after that step he will start converting there wireframes into the real design. He has to do it for all of the standard devices like phones, tablets, laptops, and computers. He usually do the software’s work such as doing the Photoshop work for the website banners or ad design and use Adobe XD for prototyping.
With diploma programs like UI Design Master course you can learn designing of any type of website and mobile apps.
UI developer
UI developer must have good HTML and CSS knowledge. He converts the design layout of the website into the clickable web pages by using various front-end languages, frameworks, and libraries like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, ReactJS, Angular etc.
Front-end developer
Responsive or mobile friendly website are developed by front-end developer. Because which ever website we are making, it is going to be responsive as well, the reason we all know that most of the users visit the website from their mobile devices, so it is really necessary to make a pure responsive websites and mobile friendly.
A front-end web developer who also known as web designer, is a person who is responsible for executing this process. He starts the initial phase of website making with idea layouting and designing part. He is also involved in UI designing and he is the one who converts the UI designs to the real web pages by using the different programming languages mentioned below:
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
HTML is a hypertext markup language which is used to structure the website. It is the most essential one language to learn as it prepares the site’s skeleton or foundation.
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS goes hand in hand with HTML. It is used to design the structure of the website created earlier with HTML. Apart from working as a styling master for any website; CSS also gives capability to display content in different screen sizes. Simply put, it makes web pages responsive for the different screens and devices.
- SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet)
Mostly front-end web developers go for SASS to speed up their work. With SASS they can write fast and reliable CSS since it is one of the most used preprocessors of CSS.
- Tailwind
Frameworks like Tailwind is in trends nowadays. With the help of this framework of the CSS, writing code becomes so much quicker and smarter.
Reading more about Tailwind will help you in understanding what exactly it does.
- Bootstrap
When we talk about CSS framework then most of the front-end developers goes for Bootstrap apart from Tailwind. Bootstrap comes with super awesome classes and is no doubt widely used by the large number of community.
- JavaScript
Front-end development doesn’t end with HTML, CSS and few frameworks. It is a vast area and cannot be completed without JavaScript. With JS adding interactivity in the site becomes easier than never before. It works fine with both client and server sides of the website. JS has its dominance in not only web development but also in game development, mobile apps, and building web servers.
Wanna master JS? Check out best for all level learners JavaScript course which required no prior advanced programming knowledge.
- JQuery
Just like CSS, there are many libraries and frameworks of JavaScript that make job of a front-end web developer easier. jQuery is one such JS library that no one can avoid. It is the top solution for writing fast and reliable JS code with smaller syntax.
- React
With the recent stats available, we can see React.js climbing the heights among world’s mostly used web frameworks. Yes it is true and there is no doubt in it that React.js has transformed the skills set of front-end developer completely. With React, developing the single page applications is no more a big concern.
There is always time for adding new skills as a developer; let’s get into React this time. Check React JS course and go for it.
- Angular
Coming in the top 4 popular frameworks; Angular is still worthy to learn for every front-end web developer plays a crucial role in the skills set. It is mainly used to develop the single page applications and being maintained by the google.
Some of the mostly used web frameworks, as per the survey results of the stackoverflow website:

Data by Stack Overflow
Responsibilities of a front-end web developer
Some of the main responsibilities of a front end developer are mentioned here:
- Converts UI to a real website by using programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.
- Works on the making site functionality better to optimize the experience of user.
- Develops and maintains the existing user interfaces of website or management application.
- Makes the website static design responsive.
- Manages the workflow of the website.
Essential qualities of a front end web developer
- Creative mind
- Good communication skills
- Team player
Build career path for yourself as a front-end developer with our 8 months web premium diploma program that covers training of all the crucial programming languages.
Salary of the front end developer in the us, according to the

What is backend web development?
Backend development takes place after front-end. In this part, dynamic behavior of the static websites is prepared.
Back-end developer
Now let’s talk about who is a back-end web developer and what can he do? Let’s understand this in simple words. If you are a web developer, who is going to do the back-end part of the website then before that your front-end part needs to be completed since back-end techniques are followed on the front-end of the website. Backend developer will take these frontend design and add dynamic behavior in the static web pages.
A back end developer will validate the front end forms, and the users input, and will store the data of the website in the database by which the website is being connected.
For example if we talk about one of the back-end languages that is PHP; it is used for the back-end process of the website. So in this language you are going to do the scripting validation by the PHP language and we can use the PHP to connect with the our database in this case we are using the MySQL database. So we can save the data of the website in SQL by using the PHP queries.
After completing the client side validations backend developers will connect the website with the database.
There are variety of programming languages used by backend developers; some of them are listed here:
PHP is a server side scripting language and also known as the back bone of back-end development. This language is must to learn for every web developer who wants to achieve excellency in back-end development.
SQL is a query language used to store the data in the relational format. Without using MYSQL creating a dynamic website is impossible.
- Laravel
Laravel is a web framework of PHP which makes the back-end functionality of the web pages faster.
- Node.js
Node.js or NodeJS is used to execute the code of JavaScript outside the web browser. Learning NodeJS is highly recommended for making profile stronger.
Make your concepts clear with Node JS training from expert.
- ExpressJS
ExpressJS is a back end web application framework of the JavaScript.
- MongoDB
MongoDB is a nosql database program which can be used with PHP.
- Python
It is a multipurpose server side scripting language which is very useful in websites development, data analytics, and data science.
Interested in learning Python? Check out our 2 months certificate certificate Python course and start your training today!
- Firebase
Firebase is a platform of Google which provides various services to develop the mobile and web applications like database management, push notifications, and user management are a few.
Some of the mostly used backend languages, as per the survey results of the stackoverflow website:

Responsibilities of a back-end web developer
Some of the responsibilities of a back end developer are mentioned here:
- Building and maintaining the websites
- Writing reusable and high quality of code
- Quality assurance testing
- Managing the hosting of the website
- Debugging of the website
Essential qualities of a back end web developer
- Management of the source code
- Skills to use version control
- Ability to multi task
Give your back-end development skills a boost and pursue your training under the guidance of experts with web development master course that is prepared for furnishing the advanced pro level back-end development skills in the aspirants.
Salary of the back end developer in the US, according to the

What is Full-stack Development?
Full stack web development is one of the main types of web development. It covers both front-end and back-end tasks and is usually performed by full stack web developer who can do designing as a frontend designer, works as an UI developer and also handles the logical part as a backend developer.
Let’s understand about this profession in more detail.
What a Full Stack Developer can do?
A full-stack web developer may work on most of the mentioned above technologies, but generally in a company, a full-stack developer get promoted as a TL or senior developer or project manager as this guy can manage all types of responsibilities related to websites development.
Freelancing: A full-stack web developer can work in a company or work independently as a freelancer. A freelance web developer will be taking projects from clients and will deal with the client on his own, but if a web developer is working in a company then it’s not his work to handle the clients, his work will be primary to focus on the website development and the management of the websites he is working on.
Testing and debugging: Even at some scenario a full stack web developer manages testing and debugging the code on his own or on the someone else code. And if any bugs are being found in it then he resolves it too. Usually the testing part is being given to the back-end developer because they are good in logical problems solving approach.
Web hosting: A web developer should also have the working knowledge of the web hosting too, after completion of the website design and the development part it is the time to host your website on the server, for that you should have little bit knowledge of the C panel and how to purchase the domain and the server space for the website.
SEO: A full-stack web developer should have both front and backend knowledge and hosting and web services knowledge as well. He should also learn what are the better techniques of the SEO to promote site on search results pages.
- This professional requires the working knowledge of the SEO techniques because that will help in organizing their websites content, which tags should be used in the pages.
And it will help you out to boost up your website ranking on the google index, because even after doing a great work on the design, development and visual parts of the website but in the end if you don’t have the great content for the SEO of the website, your website may not come on the first page results of the Google search engine.
That’s why people do hire the content writers for their websites’ SEO process, because after their website competition now they want to bring up their website on the first page of the Google, so that users may see it, and they start getting the real benefits of the website.
Responsibilities of a full stack web developer
Some of the responsibilities of a full stack web developer is mentioned here:
- Designing the user interactions
- Developing the database and the servers
- Quality Assurance for better website functionality
Essential Qualities of a full stack web developer
- Analytical mindset
- Time management skills
- Attention to the details
Salary of the full stack developer in the US, according to the

Now, we have come to final words of this, a web developer can accomplish UI designing, responsive design, data validations and can also connect with database. She/he may also know how to do the web hosting related stuffs. So, there are endless career options for a web developer in this field.
Get into web development!
As a web developer we can do all of these kind of tasks. A web developer get an handsome amount of salary according to his skills sets. So if you want to start your career in web industry, you can start by joining web development courses at ADMEC Multimedia Institute today.
For getting clear info related to our courses, you can contact us directly or ring us on +91 9811-8181-22.