Hello there folks, it’s admin again from ADMEC Multimedia Institute brought another interesting blog for you that is related to why you should attain live C and C++ online training instead of considering any other way. Learning C and C++ is the first step every programmer takes to enter the field of web. So, it is time to actually utilize your time in something more productive which will result in you acquiring some extra skills and that will help in your career or maybe learning something completely new and deciding to change your career for the better.

Checking out some of the quick advantages first.
What are the advantages of C and C++?
- They are fast when compared to other languages and yes I am talking about the languages after C.
- Lightweight and doesn’t have those extra complicated features to help the developer; everything is maintained by the developer, not the language.
- Operating systems like Linux, windows and mac and browsers like chrome and Firefox are still coded in C and C++.
- Both are quite challenging on their own whereas newer languages are developed to make learning easier.
- Can be used for the hardware devices because of seamless integrations with it like smart watches, media players, etc.
- They are portable languages and are not restricted to a particular device or an application making them platform independent.
- Nearly all the databases we use for the backend of a website like mySQL, MongoDB, etc. are written in C++.
There are some prerequisites and don’ts before you start learning a particular language:
- Dedicate your time to it.
- Don’t think you have mastered the language when you are halfway through the course or learning process; spend complete time in learning every nut and bolt.
- Don’t start with the language you desire to learn. Look for what is essential to learn first.
So what you should learn before that why is that you can’t learn that language directly.
Honestly it’s not that you can’t directly learn that language, you can but it’s just a belief that you should start with basics and for that the first language you should know is C and after that C++.
What to learn?
Look C is a procedural programming language and here you’ll learn how a program is compiled and how it displayed the output the working of every single thing in detail like:
- Variable
- Data Types
- Identifiers
- Operators
- What is ASCII value
- Constants
- Literals
- Tokens
- Control Statements
- Loops
- Functions
- Array
- Structure
- Pointers
- File Handling
The concept remains the same in every language only the syntax changes. The other language will include all this but maybe you are learning a particular language to do a certain task there you have to learn two things:
- Core Language
- Extra Thing you want to do with that language
Say you want to use python for web development then you need to learn the core python then only can learn its usage for web development. Basically what I am saying is that C is the language where you’ll learn the concept and in another language you just have to remember the syntax.
Why C++ after C?
C is like the ancestor to all the other languages that came after C. We see a lot of similarity in other languages and especially to C++ which is like a child of C. Being a procedural programming language, C lacked the concepts of objects which were introduced in C++ along with the removal of the pointers since they were too complex. While learning C++ we are introduced to the concepts of the Object Oriented Programming Language and it is the place to practice and sharpen our skill because all the other languages do follow OOPs concept.
After learning C and C++ you’ll know what is what and this will shorten the time that takes to learn other languages and significantly improves your understanding of every other language.
How to learn C and C++?
Well it is clearly seen that the whole world is rapidly leaning towards e-learning to spread knowledge from point of place to another. Webinars and online workshops are one of the big examples of it. Online training is the right way to start working out on your skills since it becomes easy to get time to attend your session on online mode doesn’t matter wherever you are. Such type of training mode is all good for you when you stuck anyway and can’t go anywhere.
So I guess online training is the best option here and no not the YouTube or any recorded tutorial classes since you won’t be able to interact with the teacher. And YouTube tutorials are only best if you have the basic knowledge since they don’t explain everything. Better to join a professional training institute like ADMEC providing online C and C++ classes with live interaction.
Why you should join ADMEC Multimedia Institute for C and C++ Online Training?
You should consider joining ADMEC since we are one of the best institutes in India when it comes to web designing and development. There are only a limited number of students in every single batch so students can interact more with teachers and teachers can also monitor the performance of their students accordingly. There are always doubt sessions after the completion of every program with projects based on the topic covered.
Here are some related courses to pursue for you:
- C Language Course – 1½ Months
- C++ Advanced Course – 01 Month
You can contact us to know more about these web courses.
What to do after C/C++?
After completing the C and C++ online training there are lot of options available depending on the field you want to choose like:
- Competitive Programming
- Data Scientist
- Web Developer
- Web Designer
And so.
Well I guess this is all I can say, why will it be best for you? Share your reasons with us.