JavaScript is a very popular language for web development. It was introduced by Brendan Eich in 1995, the first name of JavaScript was Mocha then it was called LiveScript.
Firstly, I learned HTML and CSS then moved to JavaScript in my web design and development course at ADMEC. It is a very popular language for both client-side and server-side websites and mobile app development. It is small and has a faster response time than any other programming language because it runs on a user browser.
JavaScript is Synchronous or Asynchronous
Synchronous programming languages are slow as they execute code line by line which can be time-consuming. Because there can be code that takes some time to execute, so to solve this problem JavaScript offers many ways. In JavaScript, programmers can use callbacks, promises, or async/await which makes it a true asynchronous programming.
What’s New in JavaScript?
There are various versions of JavaScript that were introduced till now but one of the most important is ES6 (ECMAScript 2015). In this version, we have many new features such as let, const, arrow function, destructuring, Array.find(), Array.findIndex(), and many more which make the coding easy.
Uses of JavaScript and its popular features
JavaScript offers endless features for UI developers, website designers, and web developers. Read more about the uses of JavaScript and its popular features in the given below details.
JavaScript in Web Development
It is primarily used for web development in both front-end and back-end development. In front-end is used for form validation, dynamic content updates, animation, and adding functionality to the web page. While the back end is used for handling users’ requests and managing the data in the database.
Server-side language like Node.js is a server runtime of JavaScript. It uses 100% syntax of JavaScript so Node developers don’t need to learn new syntax.
Node has opened a completely new stack like MERN and MEAN for web developers to create websites using them.
In Mobile App Development
There are various JavaScript frameworks like ReactJS, React Native, Vue Native, and Angular. These frameworks help the programmer to create cross-platform mobile applications.
Game Development
JavaScript can be used for developing different types of games using different types of libraries such as Phasers and Three.js.
API Development
It can be used to create API (Application Programming Interfaces). It helps different software to communicate with each other and exchange the data through API.
Important Features of JavaScript
Asynchronous Programming
JavaScript is an Asynchronous programming language which means it can do work in the background without stopping another work. It saves time and makes fast execution of the code. You can read more on promises or async/await to understand it better.
JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language. We can easily create classes and access them using objects which helps in organizing complex data. It supports inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism types of true OOP features.
Using modules we can make smaller and reusable code that makes code clean and we can understand it easily.
Error Handling
It is a way to manage and organize the errors that occur during the execution of the program. JavaScript provides various ways to handle errors like try, catch, and finally.
Platform Compatibility
JavaScript can work on all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.). It can work on all devices like laptops, mobile phones, and tablets.
This is not the end of features of JavaScript. It offers DOM, event handling, loops, conditions, operators, data types, etc.
Final Words
Without any doubt, JavaScript is one of the leading languages in the world for web development. It has great sync with popular server-side web development languages like PHP, Python, and Node.js. JavaScript is used on the server side also with Node which makes it more popular.
JavaScript is a simple, small, easy-to-use, and simple-to-learn language. So anyone from all backgrounds can Join our JavaScript course and learn this fantastic language.