Technology is getting advanced day by day. Things are becoming more and more versatile as well as secure to use. So, it is happening with the most in-demand language for web designers as well as developers, i.e., JavaScript.

It is the scripting language that makes the web page lively and interactive. There are so many professionals who assure you to provide the best knowledge about the same but very few hands to their words. I have learned it from the best JavaScript Training Institute in Delhi and trust me they will tell you tit and bit of it.
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript as also known by its abbreviated form JS. It is a 3open source as well as high-level language. Its first version was released in 1996. The last update of it was done in the year 2010 which is the next generation of JavaScript, about which we will be discussing in detail later in this blog.
Use of JavaScript
It is used to enable the interactive nature of the webpage through its scripts. Major, as well as minor web browsers, supports it as who does not want to show the best and are completely dedicated. It has DOM (Document Object Model) based structure. Earlier this could only be accessed through front end i.e., client-side but will time it has advanced itself and can now be used on both the sides i.e., front-end as well as back-end.
It is used for various applications such as validating the client-side, creating interactive drop-down menus, dynamically displaying current date as well as time, creating alerts as well as pop ups, clocks, pdf to a page, print feature and adds many more features.
It has following amazing features:
- It has large supporting community as well as web browsers are also supporting it
- Many of the programmers come from C background, so learning this language for them is quite easy and they enjoy it as it is also based on C language
- Not one like restrictions. This is liked by many because of this is weakly typed language
- It is light weighted as well as interpretable
- It is object oriented and not based on inheritance
What is Next Generation JavaScript?
JavaScript is getting advanced day by day and becoming a next generation of it is coming up. Like in the life of humans there is next generation which is more and more advanced. Same is happening with the technology as well. It is getting advanced. NextGen JavaScript could be taken as the latest version of JavaScript that is in use.
Latest version is coming with new as well as advanced features and functionality. It is taking over the world of not only web design but also web development.
This generation is adding more things to its functionality such as arrow functions, use of let and const, better and easy to understand syntax.
It is used mainly by the applications which are designed in React. Also, it is used by the Vanilla JavaScript.
Now, let us explore,
Introduction of two new keywords – let and const
Earlier, there are only var keyword which was used to define a variable. This was assigned globally and its scope is from the place it has been declared in a function it the end of the function.
But, in ES6, this has been removed and two new keywords have been introduces i.e. let and const which have replaced var keyword.
Now, when a variable is declared by let keyword then they have their scope inside that block. Also, this is applicable to the sub-blocks.
Whereas, the variable declared with the keyword const are the ones which are planned to be constant throughout the program and will not be re-assigned.
Create functions with Arrow
Syntax has become shorter with the introduction of arrow function.
For Example:
Syntax Without Arrow Function:
myapp = function () { return "My first app"; }
Syntax with Arrow Function:
myapp = () => { return "My first app"; }
We can even make it shorter by removing return statement;
Syntax after removing Arrow Function: –
myapp = function () => "My first app";
(But this works only when there is one statement in the function.)
Use of import and export keyword
Import and export keywords have made the managing as well as editing of modules easy. In all the React as well as Modern JavaScript Applications, this feature is used.
You can simply export the code using with the use of export keyword and access it. Then import the file that you wish to receive using import keyword.
Transferring of Components is done using import and export keywords. With the help of Components one can split the User Interface into pieces which are reusable. This makes it possible to calmly think about each isolated piece and work on it.
The exports are of two types:
- default or unnamed export
- named export
Use of classes
For the creation of blueprints of JavaScript objects Classes are used. In React the same is used to create the components. They are used in relation with constructors as they are also used to initialize the content.
For Example:
class Car { constructor () {'civic'; } } // here we have instantiating the car class. const car=new car(); console.log(; //prints 'civic' to the console
This is the older version as here; name of the class and its properties are defined in a specified manner.
But now, in NextGen JS, methods are used and has made the use of class property easier.
For Example:
class Car { name='civic'; } const car=new car(); console.log(; //prints 'civic'
As you can see here, the code has become simple and shorter in ES6.
Use of spread as well as rest operator
Spread operator is used to spread the value in the form of arrays and strings. Here, I will be explaining you its concept with the help of program for combining of two arrays:
Firstly, let us see the code without the spread operator:
const a1 = [a, b, c, d]; const a2 = [e, f, g, h]; const combineArr = a1.concat{a2}; console.log(combineArr); // output [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
Now, here we can see that if we want to combine 2 arrays, we need to remember the concat method.
What is the other simpler way of doing this?
Let us see.
const a2 = [e, f, g, h]; const a1 = [a, b, c, d, a2]; console.log(a1); // output [a,b,c,d, [e, f, g, h]]
Here, we can see that though it is simple but, in the output, we are getting the nested array.
Let us, see the same with the help of spread method:
The spread operator looks like ‘…’ this.
const a1 = [a, b, c, d]; const a2 = [e, f, g, h]; const combineArr = [...a1, ...a2]; console.log(combineArr); // output [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h];
See, how much easy is it to combine the array with the use of spread operator in ES6. This is also used in functions calling as well as passing of the parameters the functions.
Now, let us explore about rest operator:
It is the best way that ES6 has come with of handling the inputs. As, we can take inputs of various sizes. With this parameter you can call arguments you of indefinite numbers.
Syntax of using rest parameter is:
function name_of_function[...parameters] // Here, '...' is the rest parameter { statement; }
Whenever there is ‘…’ at the end of function operator then it is called the rest parameter.
This operator always gives us an array in return which can be used by with the other array methods that are provided by the JS.
I am sure, after knowing so much interesting features of Next Generation JavaScript, you must be excited to learn the same.
Best Courses to Learn Next Generation JavaScript
So, here is the list of courses that are there for you:
1. Name of Course: JavaScript Master
Duration of Course: 02 Months
Overview of the course: This JavaScript course is available in online as well as classroom mode. You can go for the course if you are planning to build website, do e-learning, gaming and many other things.
The thing about the course is that you will be taught about ES6 that is the latest version of JavaScript also known as Next Generation. It includes everything from basic to the advance level JS. Each and very concept of the course will be explained.
To pursue this course, you need to have the best practical knowledge of HTML as well as CSS. If you don’t have one, then also no worries, you can opt for their HTML and CSS course along with this course for the best knowledge.
Highlights of this course content are:
- Basics of JavaScript, which includes: variables, functions, different types of scopes, data types, objects etc.
- Core of JavaScript which includes: Advance functions in JS, expressions, statements, operators, literals, cookies, different timing methods, OOJS i.e., Object Oriented JavaScript concepts.
- Everything on how to work with DOM i.e. Document Object Model as well as BOM i.e., Browser Object Model etc.
- Ajax, some interesting photo galleries, slideshows will also be covered.
Career Options after completion of this course are:
- JavaScript Expert
- JS Developer
- DHTML developer
- Ajax Developer
- JSON Developer as well as Expert
- ECMAScript Expert and many more!!!
One more course is there which is considered as the best course to pursue if you want to be JS Expert;
2. Name of Course: JavaScript Master Plus Course
Duration of Course: 03 Months
Overview of the course: It is an intense course for JS. Specially designed for the ones who want to be pro in UI development and want to make exclusive UI web designs with dynamic behavior.
This course is only for passionate learners. They should have complete knowledge of HTML5 as well as CSS3 before opting for this course. In this Nuts as well as Bolts of JS and Advance or Next Generation JS will be exposed.
Not only this, secret way of writing codes which are simple to write but solves complex problems will be taught. Not only this popular library as well as JavaScript functions will also be discussed.
There are two modules in this course:
- First one will cover Core JavaScript,
- Second one will cover Advanced JavaScript
Module 1 – Core JavaScript includes the following topics:
- Functions such as default, return etc, variables, scopes
- Datatypes, Objects and classes
- Handling of exceptions
- Loops as well as conditionals
- Literals, arrays etc.
- Date and Time Objects
- DOM i.e. Document Object Model in detail will be explained
Module 2 – Advanced features of JavaScript
- Advance functions such as arrow function, blind, currying, chaining etc will be discussed.
- ECMAScript 6 will be taught
- Cookies
- Storage
- Other important features will also be discussed.
- Ajax
- Design patterns and many more concepts.
Career Options after completion of this JavaScript course are as follows: JavaScript Expert, JavaScript Developer, UI Designer, UI expert, Web Design Expert etc.
3. Name of Course: JavaScript Master Plus+
Duration: 4 Months
Apart from above JavaScript courses, we have recently launched a new and most comprehensive course to meet with most powerful and advanced features of JavaScript such as:
- TypeScript
- Rxjs
- Lodash
- Handlebars
- Google Firebase
- npm
- Mustache
Career options after completing this comprehensive program: JavaScript Programmer, Vanilla JavaScript Developer, many more.
You must be eager to know how the ones are teaching you such an intense course.
- They are industry expert trainers who have many years of experience in this field. They will clear all your theoretical as well as practical concepts.
Learning new features and updating yourself with time is very important. This helps in providing better career options as well as salary packages with time.
To get the best knowledge about the same it is important to join the best JavaScript training institute in Delhi which offers the best JavaScript training courses such as JavaScript Master, JavaScript Master Plus, and JavaScript Master Plus+ under the expert guidance.
ADMEC Multimedia Institute is one such JavaScript training institute in Delhi which can stand up to your expectations with their commendable faculty and way of teaching. Attend professional JavaScript classes in North Delhi with ADMEC.