Animation on the web is particularly distinctive. If your Android phone is feeling slack or becoming too slow, there are a few ways which you can adopt to speed it up.

One of the benefits of having an Android is the degree to which you can customize it. This means you can change the way some of the features that work on the phone. For instance, by enabling the developer mode, a whole new selection of adjustments can make your device become available. One of these features is the animation length that is used system-wide. By either reducing or disabling animations, you will see an immediate performance boost.
For scaling we have to adjust our work according to bandwidth, code compatibility, and product design.
How to Create Scalable Animations
In this article, I’ll explain the methods one should adopt for scaling animations which will increase positive user experience for our multi-device world.
1. SVG Sprites and CSS Animation
As its name suggests, SVG is built to scale. It’s very simple and instinctive to adjust the size of a SVG. These are not dependent on resolution, so one don’t have to load up additional HTTP requests or image media queries. This technique works specially for responsive, standalone animation – for example when illustrating text.
SVG is used where one want to handle picture image replacement quite nicely, but when working with different-sized moving images, it becomes much difficult to keep different things consistent. SVG is used in this way as after writing the code, we can adjust the visual appearance of the image.
Even with these key features, images will change from screen size to screen size. For making graphics clear, we should consider screen real estate.
The first is to remove repetition. We can see clearly that the desktop and tablet views are similar enough so that we could either alter the properties or replace them with CSS media queries. An example of such an alteration would be to adjust the background, so that it looks green instead of blue.
The most important part of this technique lies in the way we’re handling the viewBox attribute. Viewbox is a little window in which we can view the SVG. The SVG itself can extend beyond the boundary of the viewbox, but only the area within it will be visible and the rest will be cropped out.
For the desktop and tablet versions, we want only the first tile to be shown, so initially we set the viewBox in the SVG to cover just the top section of the sprite.
2. Complex Movement
Any time you have a stand alone graphics with complex movement, I will suggest using Green Sock Animation Platform(GSAP) rather than using CSS. Although there are tons of cool things that GSAP has to offer, the main advantages in this case are:
a. Cross Browser Stability
Thanks to all our world wide web browsers and frontend development in large testing matrix in our mobile, it gets exponentially more complex. GSAP offers really stable movement, without sacrificing speed.
b. Timeline
This allows for stacking the staggered effects, with streamlined and intuitive code meeting the tagline where beauty meets purpose.
Let’s first establish that animating elements with transforms and opacity is the most important approach. It’s easier for the browser to optimize because it reduces repaints, which is the most important thing for you to create jank- and stutter-free animation.
So, if you scale a complex SVG using flexbox or other techniques, your will scale accordingly your smart phone. This means you don’t have to adjust anything; you can focus on writing your code correctly just once and that is forms a pretty large boom for mobile users.
When we consider a really complicated animation, we will usually design all the elements that we need first and slowly reveal them over time.
The finished animation is completely scalable – you can randomly adjust the button while it’s running and have the entire thing adjust to a new dimension. When you click the button, it changes the size but the user experience stays consistent.
3. Responsive UX
Designing a responsive experience that adjusts to the view port relies on the planning done in the design stage. You can think of it like a little interlocking blocks as we go through the design, build, and development stages, scoping each particular area to itself.
For Android mobile, to make the pieces correctly interlock, we adjust the positioning of the right section (outlined in magenta for clarity), and flip it so that it can be stack appropriately.
We always take care that part shown in the boxed sections is exported within individual SVG and is properly named, including smaller units or groups.
We then use multiple functions. Each section is scoped independently, and there is one repeated function for all of the that loop.
This makes the design much easier to build off . One can slow or pause things initially, so that it can be triggered by a user.
4. Less Pizazz on Mobile
Let’s face it!! Mobile connections in (less developed countries) are pretty slow. Whether you only have a few key interactions on your site sometimes an image that looks beautiful on desktop need not scale down mobile experience.
In the case of a large canvas, the best thing you can do is to tone it down or turn it off for smaller devices. Active theory keeps its visual language consistent, while dropping heavy canvas on mobile.
All the above parameters are very much in demand for scaling up animation in mobile phone as everywhere mobile phone is the king. To become an expert in the animation field join ADMEC™ as it is offering various Animation and Multimedia courses like Multimedia Master Course, Animation Master Course, Online 3D Max Master Course, Cinema 4D etc. These courses are focused on imparting practical training. ADMEC’s goal is to make their students experts in whatever course they choose which can help them increase their career prospects.