You must have heard of SPA i.e. Single Page Applications. The best framework that programmers feel to create them is Angular. It is a javascript framework which has a long history. Lets rolldown through the timeline of this amazing framework and know each an everything about it.

It all started in 2009 by Misko who developed Angular JS, a tool for making the life of web designers easy. It is a client side or you can say front end language. When Misko was once writing a code and got irritated by the long code, then he challenged his co-workers that he can write an even better code in Angular and then he wrote the code in very few lines, merely in few hundreds.
Since, he was working on one of the Google’s project. Google got to know about this and since then it is the one who is supporting as well as maintaining it.
The first version was released in the year 2012 and was named as Angular JS. After this its successor versions are named as Angular with the numbers such as Angular 2, 3,4 and so on.
There 3 practices that are followed when incrementing the version number, they are as follows :
- When there is a Major Release –
Major Release happens when there is new API, there change in code, also you need to test with new practices. These are significant changes also they are mostly not backward-compatible. Also, there is a nedd of developer who can assist you while updating the tool. It is done once in 6 months.
- When there is a Minor Release –
These are small changes and are mostly backward-compatible. While updating these changes there is no need of developer assistance. In this mostly the dependencies are updated such that they increase the support while building complex application. There are maximum 1-3 minor releases of every major release.
- When a particular patch is release –
These kind of release are done just to fix some bugs that have been there in the release. It is something that is done every week.
By now there have been 8 major releases, let know about all of them :
Version 1 –
This version is known as AngularJS. There were major properties such as scope, less core functionality etc.
Version 2 –
This version is named as Angular 2. This was done to remove the confusion of the developers. It came in the year 2014 and arose controversy among the developing team. The final version of this was released in the year 2016.
Version 3 –
This version was skipped as there was some error in alignment of the router packaging.
Version 4 –
This version was a minor release as it was compatible with version 2 of angular. Its features included introduction to HttpClient which is library that is powerful as well as easy to use. It is used to make HTTP Requests. Also there were new events that were added to the life cycle of the router. Along with this there is an introduction of conditionally disabling the animations.
Version 5 –
It had few features that are mainly related to material design and was released in the year 2017.
Version 6 –
It was again a major release in the year 2018 which came with astonishing features such as ng update, elements in angular, the very famous library Angular Material, CLI workspaces, support to library, improvements in the performance of the animations and many more.
Version 7 –
It basically had updates of the features that were introduced in the version 6 of the angular framework with some more new functionalities.
Version 8 –
It was released in the year 2019. Has features such as dynamic support system for the routers that are lazy, web workers and few more. These features made the generation of code way too easy, decreased the re-build time and it is compatible with previous versions.
Upcoming Releases :
It is believed that the next version will be regarding Ivy, also keeping in mind DOM architecture as well as tree shaking in the perspective. This version is also expected to have backward compatibility.
Though all the versions of the angular are stable and optimised in a way that you can code in any. But if you want one to begin with then just go with angular 5 or higher as the functionality increases with the release of new version.
It is one which is now used by big brands such as webMD, Udemy, Paypal, youtube, The Guardian, Forbes, Staples, The Weather Channel and many more.
I am sure you must be excited to know about the simplest way in which Angular can be installed and you will be able to deploy a project.
Its way too easy to install it in your system:
There are some prerequisites that you need to ensure before starting with the installation process. Look for :
1. Node.js
- To check this in your CLI type -v.
- To get the same just visit page and install it from there.
2. Then look for npm package.
- To check this type npm -v in CLI.
After checking these two things, now the installation of Angular starts :
1. Firstly type this command :
npm install -g @angular/cli
2. Are you thinking that you have not build any project in angular so what will you deploy? Just make a dummy project lets say my-dummy-app.
3. After that in your CLI run the following command :
ng new my-dummy-app
4. And then after performing this step, now you need to change the working directory and transform into app directory and finally run the application by just applying few more amazing commands, exactly like this :
cd my-dummy-app ng serve --open
Now, you application will automatically launch. This happened because of the last command that you wrote!!! ng”serve” which is followed by “–open”, this magically open and therefore launch your application.
5. After this then you have to visit http://localhost :4200, this will give you assurance that everything is perfectly working.
The default page looks like this :
This enthralling framework has the following features :
1. It can be used cross-platform :
You can develop an application on any platform and then it can run across Mac, Window and Linus. One can build mobile applications from the strategies such as Cordova and NativeScript.
2. Improved Speed as well as performance of applications :
It is the one which optimizes your code. These codes are manually written and yet are optimised. This optimisation of great benefit even for SEO purpose. Node.js, PHP etc are the serves were this can be served.
The Component Router which is a great way o splitting of the code, helps in increasing the loading speed of the web applications build on this platform.
3. Increase in productivity :
Since, the line of code decreases so the productivity obviously will increase. Its syntax is simple yet powerful.
Angular CLI is something which has great contribution in increase in speed of building up the application and then deploying it.
Not only this, the important feature of this framework is code completion as well as error finding. These are some IDEs which makes it more productive.
4. It is the one which develops a complete application :
From testing to animation to accessibility everything can be achieved by just coding in this simple yet productive framework. You can perform testing of a single unit to the testing of whole unit. To make your web application better and interactive use animations. Not only this, accessibility is must now-a-days, which can be easily achieved by coding in this tool.
5. It has an impressive architecture :
Now-a-days everyone loves to work with simple tools which provide them all the functionalities and this is one of them. It is so well maintained that even the heft and complex web applications works well in it.
6. The information has 2-way binding feature :
To build synchronization between the DOM as well as the design. This can be done effortlessly in this.
7. Yes it produce re-usable code :
Code that is written in this can be reused while designing some other application. This makes the application development process easy.
All these features makes it a tool which can be used big brands for designing from simple to complex applications.
One more enthralling thing provided by this is Angular Material :
It is a complete design specification manual whose latest version was released by google in the year 2018. It is a library which mostly used as it is stable and free of bugs. It includes the reusable codes, tested components as well as UI components that provide accessible functionality to the webpage. It has a wide range of browser support. It can be installed easily using npm, Bower as well as JSPM.
There are many other libraries as well as such as ng bootstrap, prime ng, onsen UI etc which can be used with Angular at the time of development.
After you fascinated by this and want to learn more about this amazing javascript framework?
Then go for the best angular course at the best angular institute in delhi
Course Name : Angular Master Plus Course
Duration : 03 Months
Mode of Training : Classroom as well as online mode
Overview of course :
Before pursuing this course you should have the command in HTML and CSS. Also the knowledge and understanding of javascript will be an added advantage and will make the learning process better and interesting.
It consists of 2 modules. Module 1 explains about the advance features of javascript which works with angular such as functions, debugging, design patterns, code compression, dependency as well as javascript security etc.
Module 2 explains about the latest version of Angular as well as Angular Material. Here, you will be taught everything from setting up the environment for running an application to creating as well as deploying an application in this tool.
Pursing this course will lead you to the following career options : Angular Developer, Angular expert, front-end-developer, web designer, Angular professional etc.
If you have less time and want to pursue with the Angular course having duration less than 03 months, then go for this one :
Course Name : Angular Master Course
Duration : 02 months
Mode of Training : Classroom as well as online mode
Overview of the course : Before pursuing this Angular course it is advisable to have the best knowledge of HMTL as well as CSS. Also, better understanding of JavaScript would be an added advantage.
Then in this you will guided about how to setup the tool, what are the important components, important as well as mostly used directives, also how can you work with the customized directives. Along with this use and customization of pipes are explained. The most thing that is used in every webpage i.e. forms are explained practically, observatives, routing and many more features of this are explained by the professional trainers.
After completion of this course you will have the following career options such as : Angular Developers, UI designers, UI developers, SPA designer and developer, Angular Specialist, front end developer, front end designer and many more.
Conclusion :
There is no doubt that there are many frameworks that are easy to install and work with. But since “old is gold”, Angular serves the best. It has large supportive community on various online platforms such as stackoverflow, github etc. So, the beginners as well as intermediate learners don’t need to hesitate while asking their problems that they come across during learning process.
To have best knowledge join the best Angular training institute in Delhi such as ADMEC Multimedia Institute. It is believed to offer the best range of Angular training courses in Delhi. They have professionals who have industry experience of more than 15 years and will guide you thoroughly about the tool.
To take a demo class or any enquiry before making up your mind feel free to contact on 9811818122 as well as 9911782350.