Today, we brought the list of some of the most important interview questions and answers in CorelDraw to help you crack the next interview easily.

Q.1 What is CorelDraw? For what purpose we use this software?
Ans. CorelDraw is vector graphic software. This is a drawing program for windows in which we can create professional artwork like Logos, all types of Cards, Calendar, Stationery, Magazines, Books etc. It is a designing application which is the hugely used in design industry whether it is graphic design, web design, fashion design, interior design etc.
Before understanding the purpose of CorelDraw, first of all we should be familiar with the following terms:
So, First I would like to explain the “Object” which is an element in a drawing such as a shape, image, line, text, curve or symbol.
Secondly, “Drawing” which means to create logos, posters, visiting cards, artworks & newsletters.
Thirdly, “Vector Graphic” which means an image generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the position, length & direction in which lines are drawn.
Fourth, “Bitmap” this includes an image which is composed by grids of pixels.
Fifth, “Fly out” means a button that opens a group of related tools.
Sixth, “Artistic Text” which we can apply on special effects, such as shadows.
Seventh, “Paragraph Text” which we can apply formatting options, & which can be edited in large blocks. Therefore before we design anything we must know about these terms.
Uses of the Software
So, as we see above as I explained as such that CorelDraw is a vector drawing tool. Therefore, it mainly purpose to create Logo Signs & to vectorized the images or create new fonts. It means we can also create our designs by using this software. In this sense I say that this is Comprehensive graphic design software in which design graphics & layouts, social media, ads & brochures.
Q.2 What is the use of Fountain Fill?
Ans. The use of Fountain fill provides us with in-depth training on design actually. When we click on fountain fill option in a toolbox then we can apply a preset design of fountain fill on an object. We can also add a color to a fountain fill by dragging a color from the color palette to an object’s interacting vector handle.
Types of Fountain Fill are:
- Linear fountain fill- This is a default fountain fill style & it’s very useful for shading rectangular shapes to suggest lighting on a dimensional plane or 3D object. This makes actually changes color from a linear path.
- Radial fountain fill- This is useful in shading round objects. It also changes color in concentric circles from the center outwards.
- Conical fountain fill- By this type we can change color in a conical shape. This fill produces a strongly shaded & unique transition between two or more colors.
- Square fountain fill- This fill produces an effect of a four-pointed star-burst. So, fountain fill option bring a dialog box from which we can select the gradient fill. Gradients are formed by merging multiple colors together.
So, we can also use fountain fill in this way.
Q.3 What is the use of Extrude tool?
Ans. Extrude tool creates rendered designs with a sense of depth. The features of extrusion in CorelDraw which enables to apply depth to a single object & rotate it interactively. I would like to say one more point that one of the cool thing which we can do with extrusions is to convert them to ordinary objects by breaking apart & ungrouping (Ctrl+U) the extrude positions. Then see our extrude effect is now converted to separate objects.(we can control the depth of the extrusions). So, this tool is used to extend an object & create the 3 dimensional effect.
Q.4 What is the use of Blend tool?
Ans. Blend tool creates a series of shapes by blending the two objects with each other. We can also adjust the number, path & color of blending shapes. By this tool we can applied a special effect on object & also modified the object in different ways.
Q.5 What is a shape? How do we use shapes in CorelDraw?
Ans. A shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline or external surface, as opposed to other properties such as color & texture. In other words, a geometric figure such as a square, triangle or rectangle, polygon etc is called shape. So, CorelDraw provides five tools for different types of shapes like – Basic Shapes, Arrow Shapes, Flowchart Shapes , Star Shapes & Callout Shapes.
Working with the particular shape, first we should open the properties of the object set the outline to none. By using any shape tool, we can make any design or a pattern like-‘Polygon Tool’. Basically, Polygons are multi-sided closed shapes. So, when we select polygon & draw it then by default it will create pentagons. But we can also change its properties & then we can draw a polygon with up to 500 sides which looks like a star. Another example is ‘Shape Tool’. Shape tool is used for reshaping the objects. Every vector object in CorelDraw is controlled by nodes & we can move these nodes by mouse & make changes in the object by the shape tool.
Q.6 What is Pen Tool? How do we trace an alphabet or image in CorelDraw?
Ans. Pen tool is a key to design abstract logos, patterns etc. Basically, pen tool is found in curves flyout in toolbox. We can select pen tool by click on that. So, we should use Pen tool in this way. Firstly, to draw a curve segment, click where we want to place the first node & then drag the control handle to where we want to place the next node. Release the mouse button, & then drag the control handle to create the curve we want. To finish the line, double-click. If we add a node, point to where we want to add the node & then click & if we delete a node, point to it & then click. Even if when we talk about the tracing by Pen tool. So, here first I explain the means of ‘Tracing’. Tracing is a technique of copying or cheating object of bitmaps to convert it into vector graphics. By changing a vector then we can do editing even enlarge an image of any size will not be broken. So, by Pen tool we can draw curves one segment at a time. So, by using of Pen tool we can trace an image also.
Q.7 What is the use of Tab in text formatting?
Ans. Tab is used for setting the tab distance, tab alignment & trailing character. Tab is actually used to make a calendar. So, the role of tab is important when we design a calendar. Without use of tab we cannot make a calendar because tab maintains the equal distance between the numbers or characters. So, tab maintains the equal length & width of a frame.
Q.8 What is the default Paper type & size when we open CorelDraw windows?
Ans. When we open CorelDraw windows the default Paper type is “Letter” & the size of that Paper is 8.5 inch by 11.0 inch.
Q.9 What is the use of Text tool?
Ans. There are 2 types of Text tool. First is “Paragraph Text”. When we create a Paragraph text frame then we should use text tool by making a text frame & by use of text tool properties. Even if to add paragraph text to the inside of an object, position the pointer at the inside border of the object, & when the pointer changes to an insert cursor, begin typing.
So, Text tool is used to creating text object also. When we press enter then enter applies only when we complete a paragraph. In paragraph text there is equal alignment. We do not apply any effect in paragraph text. Even if we stretch the content of Paragraph text then notice that there is nothing wrong effect on the Paragraph content.
Whereas Second type of Text tool is “Artistic Text” which means we should use necessarily ‘enter’ key after every line. There is a text limit in Artistic Text. We can write maximum 2 lines in Artistic Text whereas there is no limit in Paragraph Text. In Artistic Text we can apply any effect on the content but when we increase the size of the content, notice that there is a bad effect on content which is not good. So, Paragraph Text is better than Artistic Text for the user.
Q.10 What is the use of Graph Paper & 3-Point Ellipse Tool?
Ans. The Graph Paper Tool is used to create a group of identical boxes that simulate at sheet of graph paper. In other words, to draw a grid, use the controls on the property bar to set the number of columns & rows, & drag in the drawing window where we want to place the grid.
To make the outer boundary a square, hold down Ctrl key while dragging. On the other hand, 3-Point Ellipse tool is used for to draw an ellipse at an angle which means the width of the ellipse drag to draw the center line of the ellipse at the angle we want & the height of the ellipse move the pointer. Even if we can also change the ellipse into a picture or arc shape by use of ellipse tool property.
Q.11 What is the difference between Rectangle & 3-Point Rectangle Tool?
Ans. Rectangle Tool is used for creating simple rectangle or squares. We can also change the shape of Rectangle by using shape tool & make a various types of designs by this tool whereas 3-Point Rectangle Tool is define as the baseline of the rectangle, drag to draw the width & height of the rectangle, move the pointer to draw the height. So, we can also make a variety of patterns or designs by this tool.
Q.12 What do you mean by Extract Sub- Path?
Ans. We can use Extract Sub-Path only when we have two contents & then we should weld those two contents into one content. After that by click on shape tool, we can edit the nodes of both content & create a new content from those two contents. So, use the shape tool & click on any node. This will select all nodes on that sub-path & we can move it or use the buttons in property bar to scale, rotate & so on.
Q.13 What are Five Perfect Shapes? Explain in a brief?
Ans. There are Five Perfect Shapes in CorelDraw which I explain as following below:
- Basic Shape- To draw a basic shape, choose a shape from the perfect shapes, picker on the property bar & then drag in the drawing window until the shape is the size we want.
- Arrow Shape– Draw Arrows of various shapes & directions. To draw an arrow shape, choose from the perfect shapes, picker on the property bar & then drag in the drawing window until the shape is the size we want. By using this shape tool we can make charts of science especially.
- Flowchart Shape– Draw a Flowchart shape & use its property. By use this we can draw flowchart symbols & make a design.
- Banner Shape- By use this shape tool, we can draw ribbon objects & explosion shapes.
- Callout Shape– By use of this tool we draw labels & speech bubbles.
Q.14 How do we use Knife Tool in different ways?
Ans. We can use Knife Tool in this way that slice an object to split it into two separate objects which means knife tool cut the object into two physical segments & both segments treat as single object. So, when we start cutting an object, position the knife tool over the outline of the object where we want to start cutting. We can also create a freehand cut line by knife tool.
Q.15 How can we combine shapes using the Weld Tool in CorelDraw?
Ans. The Weld Tool in CorelDraw allows us to merge objects whether text or shapes together. The tool has been used in several of our Sample Club Projects & will surely be a useful tool for laser operators also as they create new designs.
Q.16 How can we quickly Find & Replace a Color in CorelDraw?
Ans. The Find & Replace feature in CorelDraw is a very useful command for replacing Color fills or outlines within a design. Replacing Colors with varying shades of gray will result in an interesting & unique look when engraved with the laser.
Q.17 How do we trace a logo in CorelDraw?
Ans. If we have ever received a logo from a client that needs to be in vector format, but they have it in a bitmap format. CorelDraw has updated their raster to vector trace feature to make it faster & easier to use, with much better results than ever before. Pen tool also can be used to trace such logos with quality.
Q.18 How to use Color Palette in CorelDraw?
Ans. The Color Palette by default is located to the right of the work window is easy & quick way to apply the color of any object. CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2020 is a powerful graphic designing tool which is suitable for both Professional designers & also for those who aspire to become one.
CorelDraw derives its success from the multitude of design options & compatibility aspects that allow its users to control every facet of their graphical creation. They include vector illustrations & Page layouts.
In CorelDraw, color management starts when we create a new document. The drop-down next to Primary Color Mode determines the set of colors that will be available to us.
These can either be RGB or CMYK colors. These two different color modes will result in separate sets of color palettes next to our document. Depending on which color mode we choose the document will show up with their respective RGB or CMYK profile as we set.
So, to change & manage the color profiles of a document while we are working on it, we need to be selecting the Document Settings under Color Management in the Tools Section of the menu bar in the Document Color Settings Area. Therefore, to view the Color Proof Settings Area, go to the menu bar, select tools & click on Color Proof Settings. This will allow us to edit the Color Mode in our image from RGB to CMYK Color Schemes.
Q.19. If someone asked me to Design a Logo for my Company? What would it look like?
Ans. Logo means information about something which is received to the people. So, when I design a logo for the Company Keeping in mind its policies & its target audience.
Q. 20 How to use Eraser Tool?
Ans. Eraser tool is useful to erase something means eraser tool removes the part of an object. We can also make a logo by this tool. So, when we remove an unwanted portion of the object from this tool; the object automatically close the path after the portion is erased.
Note: If you want to learn other graphic design software such as Photoshop and Illustrator then you can go for the diploma in graphic design in Delhi. ADMEC also has a course for digital media graphic training.
You can check all of our short-term and long-term courses in graphic design.