Check out the most common and important Adobe Photoshop Inteview questions and asnwers here.

Before we move forward, here is a quick overview to Photoshop:
There is no doubt that Adobe Photoshop is known as the master tool for editing digital graphics. And it is getting better and better with each passing day. Hence, it becomes important for its users to know each and everything about this software so as to get the in depth functionalities provided by this software.
Today it is the most demanding software for every field for designing small logos to big banners. By doing all this, it has become most preferable editing and designing platform for both beginners as well as professionals.
For better understanding let’s have a look at the most commonly as questions in Photoshop interview:-
Important Adobe Photoshop Interview Questions and Answers
Q.1: Please explain what is Adobe Photoshop?
Ans: Adobe Photoshop is a computer software application. It is developed and marketed by Adobe Inc. Photoshop was developed in 1987 by the American brothers Thomas and John Knoll, who sold the distribution license to Adobe Systems Incorporated in 1988. It is used by various professionals and advanced digital makers, enabling them to make their work look professional. It is used to edit and manipulate digital images. It is considered as one of the leaders in photo editing software. It allows users to manipulate, crop, re-size, and correct colors in digital photos. It is a layer based software because every work is done in layers. It also includes automation features to reduce the need for repetitive tasks.
Q.2: Which is the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop?
Ans: The latest version is CC 2015.5.1 and it is updated on August 8, 2016.
Features of this version:
- Artboards
- Creative Cloud Libraries including Linked Assets
- Integration with Adobe Stock
- New asset export
- Multiple instances of layer styles
- Device Preview and Adobe Preview CC companion app
- Glyph panel
- Real-time Healing Brush
- Content-Aware Move and Content-Aware Extend with scaling and rotation
- Automatic Content-Aware Fill for stitched panoramic images
- Guide set creation and presets
- Linked Smart Objects
- Improved Layer Comps
- Blur Gallery motion effects and additive noise
- Focus Mask
- Desktop fonts from Adobe Typekit
- 3D Printing support
- Improved Windows 8.1 touch and stylus support
- Mercury Graphics Engine performance boosts in Healing Brush, Smart Sharpen and upsampling
- Camera Shake Reduction
- Adobe Camera Raw 9 and Camera Raw as a filter
Q.3: Can you explain Adobe Photoshop is Raster Based Software or Vector Based Software? Please Explain Both?
Ans: Photoshop is a raster based software because it works on bitmap images. Bitmaps are made of millions of tiny squares called pixels. We can easily identify a raster of bitmap images by zooming in the image. Raster images are acceptable for digital publication but it does not perform well in printed objects. Images are saved at a high DPI so that it does not reduce quality during the printing process.
Vector images are made of thin lines and curves known as paths. Vector images use mathematical calculations. No matter how much we zoom in or zoom out our image, vector images always appear smooth and seem clear. It has also had some vector tools like pen tool for drawing paths, text tools, and shape tools.
Q.4: Please explain some important tool in Adobe Photoshop and their features?
Ans: Please find below the important list of tools in Photoshop:
Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)

Rectangular Marquee Tool, one of Photoshop’s basic selection tools is designed for making selections based on simple geometric shapes. As the name implies, the Rectangular Marquee Tool is perfect for times when you need to draw a selection in the shape of a rectangle or a square.
Red Eye Tool (J)

Red eye is the condition that occurs when a camera’s flash reflects off the back of a person’s eye. With the help of red eye tool, redness in eyes will be removed. With the Red Eye tool active, click in the red area of one eye. If the correction doesn’t match the size of the pupils or seems too light or too dark, undo the effect and change the Pupil Size or the Darken Amount setting on the Options bar and then reapply. When you’re satisfied with the result, click in the red area of the other eye.
Gradient Tool (G)

The Gradient tool creates a blend of multiple colors. You can choose from preset gradient fills or create your own by blending of our foreground and background color.
Eraser Tool (E)

This tools works like an eraser and erases information wherever we click and drag it. It will change the pixels to either the background color or to transparent. If you are using eraser tool on a background or on a layer with transparency locked, the pixels change to the background color; otherwise, the pixels are erased to transparency.
Clone Stamp Tool (S)

The Clone Stamp tool paints one part of an image over other part of the same image or over other part of any open document that has the same color mode. You can also paint some part of one layer over another layer. The Clone Stamp tool is useful for duplicating objects or removing a defect in an image.
Brush Tool (B)

The Brush tool is a simple painting tool. It works like a traditional drawing tool by applying the color using strokes. It’s located in the standard Tool Bar.
Healing Brush Tool (J)

This tool is very beneficial. You can use the Healing Brush tool for repairs, such as eradicating scratches from scanned images. The variance between the Spot Healing Brush tool and the Healing Brush tool is that a sample spot is required before applying the Healing Brush. We choose our cursor size, then holding the Alt key, we select a nice/clean area of our image. The source selected will be applied to the area that needs to be repaired. It works in the form of the Brush tool.
Slice Tool (K)

The Slice tool lets you divide an image into smaller segments which fit together like a jigsaw, but with straight edges. There are two tools: The slice tool will create the slices whereas Slice Select tool enables you to select and modify existing slices.
Sliced images are usually used for web design work, which sometimes involves images to be split up in this way.
Crop Tool (C)

The Crop Tool works similarly to the Rectangular Marquee tool. The difference is when we press the Enter/Return key, it crops our image to the size of the box.
Magic Wand Tool (W)

The Magic Wand Tool in Photoshop selects pixels based on tone and color.
Polygon Lasso Tool (L)

The Polygonal Lasso Tool lets us draw as many sides as we need, with as much freedom as the Lasso Tool gives us to move in any direction we need!
Move Tool (V)

The Move Tool in Photoshop can perform many functions such as moving layer contents, directly moving layers from one document to another, copying layers, applying transforms, plus selecting and aligning multiple layers.
Q.5: What is a clipping mask and how we can create a Clipping Mask in Adobe Photoshop?
Ans: A clipping mask is created in Photoshop when you use the content of one layer to mask the layers above it. You are basically clipping around the artwork to fit the shape of the object on the layer.
Step by step process of creating Clipping Mask.
1. a) Hold down Alt, position the pointer over the line dividing two layers in the Layers panel (the pointer changes to two overlapping circles), and then click.
b) In the Layers panel, select the top layer of a pair of layers you want to group and choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask.
2. When making a clipping mask from an existing layer and one you are about to create, first select the existing layer in the Layers panel. Then choose New Layer from the Layer menu or the Layers panel More menu. In the New Layer dialog box, select Use Previous Layer To Create Clipping Mask, and click OK.
Q.6: What is scope and uses of Adobe Photoshop?
Ans: We can use Adobe Photoshop for a wide variety of tasks, color correction in photos, refining scanned photos, printing images, designing logos, page layouts for our blog or site, making gif animations, working with video clips, working with 3D objects and much more. With Photoshop installation comes Adobe Bridge which is powerful manager media and we can create a web gallery and PDF files, contact sheets and so on. There is also Camera RAW plug-in which is suitable for photographers.
There is a lot of scope in the field of Photoshop designing because it is one of the outmost graphic designing software in the industry and is most widely taught to students in the Digital Media Graphics Institute in Delhi. We can do many things with the help of Photoshop. Its work is widely used in newspapers, advertisement designing etc. It is one of the magnificent web designing applications in the world which is full of astonishment.
Photoshop has great scope and its demand is rising day by day in the global design industry.
Q.7: Explain smart object in PhotoShop?
Ans: Smart Objects are layers that contain image data from raster images, such as Photoshop files. Smart Objects preserve an image’s source content with all its original characteristics, enabling you to perform non-destructive editing to the layer.
It gives us freedom to work with multiple copies of a single object. All the multiple copies will be updated simultaneously when a single object is updated. Also, changes in the adjustment of layers and layer styles of a single object can be done without affecting the multiple copies. Without any loss in the pixel, pixel based objects can be changed several times.
Q.8: What are swatches palettes?
Ans: Swatch palettes are a set of colors. Colors can be used without remembering the numeric color values from the swatches palettes. We can also extract colors from an available image. Default swatches and custom swatches are also additional options for the users. Photoshop supports custom swatches.
Q.9: What is histogram in Photoshop?
Ans: Histograms represent the distribution of tones throughout the image. The histogram shows detail in the shadows (shown in the left part of the histogram), midtones (shown in the middle), and highlights (shown in the right part) A histogram can help you determine whether an image has enough detail to make a good correction.
The horizontal line represents the various values in our image. The leftmost side stands for pure blacks and dark shadows. The right side is our highlights and pure whites. The values between the two fall much the way we might imagine them, with dark tones transitioning to mid tones, then into brighter and brighter highlights.
The vertical axis represents how much of any corresponding value, whether light or dark, appears in the image. Higher peaks represent high concentrations of that particular selected value.
Q.10:Explain about the Photoshop Work Area?
Ans:– Photoshop work area consists of Application Bar, Tools Panel, Options Bar, Document Window and Panel Dock.
- Application Bar: This contains menu bar along with various controls to zoom plus and minus, buttons.
- Tools Panel: This tool has a set of tools for selecting, manipulating images, artwork etc.
- Options Bar: There are various options for currently selected tools.
- Document Window: It shows the current working file. It can be grouped and docked.
- Panel Dock: Panel dock has several panels to modify the images. By default, it has a layer, adjustment, and style panels.
Q.11. Explain the way in which one can crop an image in PS?
Here are the steps that need to be followed in order to crop an image :
- Step 1 – Select anonymous part of the image
- Step 2 – Now, pick the crop tool from the menu
- Step 3 – Then select the shape of the marquee tool that could either be square or circle by holding shift key.
- Step 4 – Now, keep holding the marquee from the center, then keep holding Alt and select the part of the image that you need to crop.
Q.12. Can you tell us the quick steps to create an artistic border?
Ans: Here are the steps that need to be followed to design an artistic border :
- Step 1 – Firstly, open a new layer, then select the background on the layer panel.
- Step 2 – Choose the any required marquee tool such as, this can also be done using short command i.e., Shift + M. After, this draw a selection where there is the need of the border.
- Step 3 – Then go to Options > Refine Edge
- Step 4 – Now, there must be a dialog box, in this box select the white view, then after doing this now you need to adjust the radius, smooth as well as contrast and shift edge.
- Step 5 – After doing this, choose the new layer, then select layer mask, after this click Ok.
- Step 6 – After this, click on the background, after this choose the color and fill in the required area
Q.13. Explain About Stress Analysis?
Ans: People who are aerospace engineers or have knowledge about NASTRAN and MATLAB. They have work of doing stress analysis. Stress analysis include the analysis of stiffness of the surface, calculations of loops and FEM i.e., finite element modelling, analysis etc.
Q.14. What are the ways to print the grid in Adobe Photoshop?
Ans: Here are the steps to print the grid in Adobe Photoshop:
- For doing this, firstly, you need to take the screenshot of non printing grid as you want it.
- Then create a new file and the size of this should be same as the size of the grab and then paste.
- Now, crop everything such as background, windows panel etc., except for the image that is covered under grid. Then, print this.
Q.15. How is Gaussian blur can be added to an image?
Ans: Here are some of the steps to be followed to add Gaussian blur to an image:
- Firstly, open an image in Photoshop using File > Open command.
- Then, select the layer where image is placed in the layers panel, then duplicate it using Ctrl + J or Cmd +J.
- After this, to differentiate the layer, name the upper one as blur.
- Now, select this blur layer then select Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
- Then, confirm that preview is active and drag the image. Once you find the most satisfactory result, click OK. This way you will see blur is applied on the image.
- After this, Select the Blur layer that is there in the layer panel, along with this press and hold the Option or Alt. After this, go for layer mask by clicking on its icon. Now, you will see the lower layer because the mask is of black color.
- Now, to expose the non blur part, select the brush tool using shortcut b, apply the setting of the brush as large soft edged low opacity brush having the foreground color as white.
- Lastly, click the mask, then paint the mask and you will get to expose the blur area.
Q.16. Can you tell us about the significant difference between PSD and PSB?
Ans: Lets know the difference between PSB i.e. Photoshop Big as well as PSD i.e. Photoshop Document :
- Both the file formats are used to save the digital images.
- The way they are stored and then used is the only thing that differs them.
- The Photoshop files are by default stored in PSD file format. The maximum file size that is supported is 30K by 30k pixels.
- To create any document or image that is larger than 30k by 30K, the PSB file format is used.
Q.17. Explain path in photoshop?
Ans: A path is basically a shape which can be curved or can even be a straight line. It is formed with the help of anchor points. It can be open or closed. One can move these paths with the help of path selection tools.
Q.18. What is healing tool?
Ans: The healing brush tool is a perfect tool to correct and fix the imperfections. With this you can correct scratches, patches, blemishes etc. With the help of sampling or with the use of predefined pattern one can blend the imperfections and the surface will be smooth again.
Q.19. Explain the best as well as the fastest way in which you can multiple players or layer masks?
Ans: We can add multiple layer or layer masks easy and fast by following some simple steps.
- Press Clt+ O or Command + O to open up an image which you want to edit.
- Now you have to choose all and then copy the whole image.
- After this change the mode to grayscale and select “yes” and remove the colors from the image.
- In this way the whole will become grayscale. Adjust the blacks as well as whites till you find it perfect.
- Now, after doing this bring back the image to RGB mode and then select the move tool using V. After doing this paste.
- Then you will see that the original color is back on the new layer.
Q.20. Let us know about your views on CS3 and CS2 on an intel Mac?
Ans: Though both CS 3 as well as CS2 runs well. But it is noticed that startup speed is much more on MAC systems when compared to the same on the windows system. So, yes we can conclude that Photoshop CS3 is better on intel mac than CS2 because of high speed.
Q.21. Explain how photoshop is different from Lightroom software?
Ans: Both Photoshop as well as lightroom are different in the following manner :
In PS you can edit and save the image in separate place. But in Lightroom, the images are not actually edited and you can also not save them on different location. It basically keep records of the alterations that are done in the image in the database. These changes are then kept in a different file which is called catalog.
Learning curve for Adobe Lightroom is far easy than the same for PS.
In Photoshop you can create something from scratch whereas in Lightroom you cannot create something from scratch rather you just enhance the image.
Note: To master Lightroom, you can join the 01 Month Lightroom course in Delhi.
Q.22. Can you tell us the best ways to remove background from a photo to make it transparent?
Ans: There are many ways to remove the background from any image, here is one of the most common one:
- Open up the image and create a copy of it.
- Use, magic wand tool if the background is in plain color. In case of complex background having different colors in it, use quick selection tool to create selection of the main product image.
- Then, inverse the selection using Clt+Shift+I and press delete key. Your background would be deleted.
- Now, you have a product image with transparent background.
- At last, save this image in PNG-24 format.
Q.23. Can background be unlocked? If yes then how would you do that?
Ans: It is very easy to unlock the background. You just need to click the pad lock to unlock it. In this way the background will be unlocked.
Q.24. Explain the way to form black/white with color detail?
Ans: Select the image with the help of lasso tool. Once the selection is done invert the selection. After this simply desaturate the layer.
Q.25. What are Gradients?
Ans: Gradients are the best as well as attractive way of forming a flashy as well as eye-catching illustrations. It creates smoothly blends two or more colors.
Note: Please Leave Your Questions or Doubts Related Adobe Photoshop in Comments Below if Any. Also, if you want to master the concepts related to Photoshop, you can go for graphic designing training in Delhi at ADMEC. You can pursue a certificate or a diploma in graphic design in Delhi online as well as offline.
Interested in learning Photoshop? Check our Adobe Photoshop course in Delhi and get ready to be its pro!
Written By: Shruti Gupta
Course: Web Master
Qualification: MCA
Location: Delhi