Q.1: Please explain what is Adobe Illustrator?
Ans: Adobe Illustrator is an advanced vector-based graphic design software which is generally used for making vector based designs like logos, illustrations, infographics, stationery, cartoons, and all type of typesetting work.
It was first developed by Apple Macintosh in January 1987. This program is used by both artists and graphic designers to create vector illustrations and designs. Illustrator can support SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), EPS (Encapsulated-Postscript), PDF (Portable-Document-Format), VML (Vector Markup Language File), WMF (Windows Metafile) files etc. This software will also give us a better print output because it is not resolution dependent.
Q.2: Which is the latest version of Adobe Illustrator and what are its features?
Ans: The latest version of Adobe Illustrator is Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3.1 and it was updated on Aug 10, 2016.
New features of Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 are
- Linked assets in Libraries, Adobe Stock integration, Faster [zoom/pan/scroll], Safe mode, file data recovery, GPU performance, tool and workspace enhancements.
- Enhanced Creative Cloud Libraries, Shaper tool, new Live Shapes, Dynamic Symbols, Smart Guides, new SVG Export options, Touch Workspace enhancements
- Updated and better collaboration with libraries, Work more efficiently with Adobe stock, Live shapes and transform panel updates, Adobe experience design CC (Preview) integration, fast export of assets and Artboards
- New search for Adobe Stock assets
Q.3: Is Adobe Illustrator a raster based or vector based software? Please explain?
Ans: Adobe Illustrator is a vector based software. Vector images are made up of thin lines and curves, we know as paths. It uses mathematical formulas, allowing them to be clean & clear scaled and rescaled, it does not lose any image quality. The edges of each object or shape are stay smooth, clean and clear, this feature makes ideal for companies logo, brochures, infographics, portraits, stationery, and packaging.
While raster images are made up of tiny squares called pixels, which can be easily seen by zooming the image. Raster images are known as bitmap images.
Q.4: How we can create table in Adobe Illustrator? Please explain.
Ans: We can create table in Adobe Illustrator with five easy simple steps which are as follows:
- Click on File menu and open the New window or (Ctrl+N).
You can select any size of paper as you want, click on OK button.
2. Make a rectangle with any size as you want for the table from the Tool pallet or by pressing ‘M’ can activate the rectangle tool.
3. Now we select the rectangle and go to Object menu, select Path then select Split Into Grid, when you select this option, a panel opens automatically.
4. You can type number in Rows and Columns as per your wish, and set the number in the gutter box as ‘0px’. As we have taken 5 rows and columns so a table will be created accordingly.
5. Now our table is ready to use, we can give any background colour, stroke colour or type a text in each cell.
Q.5: What are the most important tools in Adobe Illustrator and their uses?
Ans: Most important tools in Adobe Illustrator are as follows:
Selection Tool: It is used to select entire objects or groups.
Pen Tool: We can draw a path or shape with the help of this tool. It will make a straight line or a curved line and it will create two anchor points.
Shapes Tool: It is used to make shapes of a rectangle, circle, ellipse, triangle, polygon, and star. We can also draw an exact value of these shapes by clicking the mouse.
Line Segment Tool: It is used to draw a perfectly straight line in any direction, we drag the mouse. We can also draw an exact value of line by clicking the mouse.
Type Tool: It is a very important tool. We can insert text in different ways like individually, vertically or with the path into our designs.
Gradient tool: It is used to apply, create, modify and multiple colors gradients. This tool gives colourful shading effect to our designs.
Blend Tool: This tool is extremely useful since it can be joined to create repeating shape patterns, color palettes or, as the name implies, color blends between two or multiple objects.
It can be found under the Object > Blend submenu, and select (Blend Options) and trigger it (Make or Alt-Control-B) to create whatever you are trying to achieve.
This tool is precise since it can control how many steps (colors or repeating objects) it makes.
Q.6: Can we create art board in Adobe Illustrator? If yes explain please?
Ans: Yes, we can create many Artboards at the same time. It gives us flexibility in our work. This approach is especially useful when we know in advance that we want a set number of equally sized pages, laid out in a grid in the document.
To create an artboard:
1. You can click on Artboard tool (Shift+O) given in the tool box or click on the window in the menu bar and press the Artboards. A panel opens automatically.
2. In this, you can create new Artboards, move your Artboard up and down and delete your Artboards.
3. If you want to make a copy of your Artboard, by pressing Alt key and drag the Artboard.
Q.7: Please explain what are plugins in Adobe Illustrator and how they help us?
Ans: Adobe Illustrator has already plenty of tools and features, but advanced users will always find something new and more so plug-in helps to solve their various problems. Plug-ins help to create designs in a more advanced and beautiful way. Plugin means to add a specific feature to your software or an application. Plug-in applications can easily be installed on your computer.
Example: CAD Tool 9
This tool adds Cad tools (Architectural Swatches) to the Illustrator Tool box. With the help of this tool, we can make Architectural designs.
Q.8: What you understand by layer and group? Please explain difference between both?
Ans: Layer
When creating multiple artworks, it’s a task to keep track of all the items in your document window. Small items get unseen under larger items, and selecting artwork becomes problematic. Layers offer a way to arrange all the items that make up your artwork. Layers work as folders that contain artwork. If you reorganize the folders, you change the stacking order of the items in your artwork. You can interchange items between folders and create subfolders within folders.
By default, all items are organized in a single, parent layer. However, you can create new layers and move items into them, or move elements from one layer to another anytime. The Layers panel provides an easy way to select, hide, lock, and change the appearance features of artwork.
You can combine numerous objects into a group so that the objects are treated as a single unit. One move or transform a number of objects without affecting their attributes or relative positions. For example, a grouping of the objects in a logo design can be done with a motive so that we can move and scale the logo as one unit.
Grouped objects are arranged in a sequence on the same layer of the artwork and behind the front most object in the group; therefore, the grouping may modify the layering of objects and their stacking order on a given layer. If you select objects in different layers and then group them, the objects are grouped in the layer of the topmost selected object.
The layer is like a single paper of sheet, you can do anything that you want to make.
The group is a collection of two or many layers together.
Q.9: Explain how can we create a Clipping Mask?
Ans: Clipping mask is one of the most important tools in Adobe Illustrator. It works very beautifully in designs. It is a great option to insert an image in the path, object or shapes. Find below some easy steps to learn clipping mask:
1. First,we make a path with the help of pen tool or make shapes with Rectangle Tool.
Then we place our image on it, and selected image will be sent back to the object or a path.
2. Now we select both (image and object) by pressing the Shift key and press Ctrl+7 to make the clipping mask.
Q.10: What is scope and uses of Adobe Illustrator?
Ans: Adobe Illustrator is an advanced basic graphic vector software which is generally used for making vector based designs like Logos, illustrations, infographics, portraits, cartoon, brochures, packaging, and stationery. This program is used by both artists and graphic designers to create vector illustrations and designs.
There is a lot of scope of Adobe Illustrator because it is one of the greatest vector graphics designing applications in the industry. We can do many things with the help of Illustrator. It uses mathematical formulas, allowing them to be scaled clearly and rescaled, it does not lose any image quality, which makes this feature ideal for companies. New features have made this software more demanding day by day for the designing Industries.
All Questions are Answered By: Barkha Gupta (student at ADMEC)
Course: Advertising Designing
Location: Delhi, India
Those who are very new and want to get proper training should definitely join graphic design courses in Delhi and learn important software applications used to design graphics.
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