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Step by Step Tutorial to Create a Responsive Website

Learn how to create a responsive website step by step. Read this complete blog from our web design training institute.

What are the Differences between AutoCAD and Revit?

Autodesk AutoCAD and Autodesk Revit are the two leading applications of architecture industry in the world. AutoCAD is a world class tool for drafting of interior and exterior of buildings while Revit is a smart solution for creating accurate plans for building information modeling (BIM) for large projects. What are the Differences between AutoCAD and Revit You will hear these two applications from architects a lot. So naturally it raises a...

New Features in Bootstrap 3.3.0

Bootstrap is very popular now days to develop mobile friendly websites or responsive websites in the web designing and UI development industry. I would like to point out one important thing here i.e. Bootstrap is not only to create responsive websites but also web designers uses this great application for applications development on majority. New Features in Bootstrap 3.3.0 Bootstrap has become a standard in responsive website designing industry. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento...

Should I use GIMP- GNU Image Manipulation Program?

GIMP is an image editing and manipulation software developed by the GIMP Team. I am using GIMP from last 6 months approximately and after many ifs and buts I reached on a decision to write my views on GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). I am not going to talk about how GIMP is better than other image editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop here. Rather I would try to focus on the needs of...

A Tutorial on Common CSS Methods of jQuery

jQuery is such an easy and wonderful library to use in web pages to add interactivity and animations. Its CSS APIs are one of the most important APIs of jQuery. Animation and design related tasks are created by these only in jQuery. A Tutorial on Common CSS Methods of jQuery Do you face problems in using CSS functions or APIs of jQuery then this tutorial would be a right choice...

HTML6 Training Institute in Delhi

Although we are enjoying HTML5 semantic structure tags and new JavaScript based APIs yet developers are talking about new version of it. HTML6 Training Institute in Delhi HTML6 specifications are in talk in the industry. Our web designing institute faculty members for HTML is anxious to introduce the training of HTML6 soon. We know HTML6 will not take so much time. We are updating ourselves with the every new update in HTML so that...
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