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An Easy Tutorial on HTML Form Validation Using JavaScript

Hi, I am Abhishek Ranjan a web designer working in a company in Delhi and studying UI development and responsive website designing in this institute to excel my knowledge of JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap to the advanced level. An Easy Tutorial on HTML Form Validation Using JavaScript What is Form Validation? Form validation is the process of checking that a form has been filled in correctly before it is processed, this is...

How to solve this error “There has been an error processing your request” in Magento

Today when I was uploading a Mangeto website to another hosting then suddenly I faced two problems. When I was opening my website then It was redirecting me to my old url. Solution: This issue is not so serious and complicated you just find a database table core_config_data and search for web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url . You will notice that your old domain is there so you need to replace that...

Explaining all Types of Products in Magento

Today when I was teaching types of products given in Magento; then I decided to write it for rest of the world. This post will explain what are all types of products and what are their uses and why they are important to understand in Magento? Explaining all Types of Products in Magento Every ecommerce website requires these types of product because you can’t sale all the products in a way. An online...

Types of Modeling in Autodesk 3Ds Max

Modeling is the process of creating objects with the use of different types of methods or approaches with the tools and commands given in 3Ds Max and I am sure that you learnt all this in your Autodesk 3Ds Max Coruse too here. Types of Modeling in Autodesk 3Ds Max There are so many different types of modeling and includes even more ways to work with these model types. There are many...

How Computer Plays an Important Role in Employment Availability in India

The computer is being widely used by the people across the world. It’s a part of everyone’s daily life and routine. The computer technology is getting vast and faster day by day and provides lots of information regarding each and every field to the people. If a person wants to search out something then he simply types the content on computer and gets the result. With computers the people can...

Practical jQuery Questions and Answers

jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library. It helps in simplifying HTML DOM tree traversal as well as manipulation. Its syntax is capable of navigating through a DOC, elements of DOM, creation of animations, handling events as well as developing of Ajax related applications. It is of great use in building dynamic webpages. Practical jQuery Questions and Answers Have you completed your jQuery course from and institute or by self-study...
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