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Most Important Events in JavaScript

In this article I will try to explain the various events which are used and their purpose in Javascript. JavaScript’s interaction with HTML is handled through events that occur when the user or the browser manipulates a page. Without events and handlers we would never be able to create client-side web applications. Most Important Events in JavaScript Events allow JavaScript to detect when a certain action has been performed by...

Browser Object Model (BOM) in JavaScript

In this blog I am going to explain what you mean by Browser Object Model and various methods to access and manipulate the Browser objects. Browser Object Model in JavaScript BOM (Browser Object Model) Modern browsers have implemented some methods and properties for JavaScript interactivity, it is often referred to, as methods and properties of the BOM. It is nothing but a pack of objects that allow to control the...

JavaScript and DOM Concept

JavaScript and DOM Concept The main purpose of writing this blog to give an introduction about DOM, how can we manipulate HTML and how the interaction with HTML happens using JavaScript. What is DOM ? DOM(Document Object Model) is a programming interface for HTML documents. When a browser loads a webpage, the browser creates a Document Object Model of that page. “The DOM is a platform and an interface that...

JavaScript Tutorial for Every Beginners

JavaScript is a client side scripting language, when we linked JavaScript with HTML then it makes our web pages interactive. It’s called client side scripting language because it’s run at the client side in a browser. JavaScript Tutorial for Every Beginners We cannot create dynamic web pages without JavaScript. It adds behavior to the web pages. Most of the validations are done with the help of it. JavaScript code is...

Adobe Illustrator Interview Questions and Answers

Q.1: Please explain what is Adobe Illustrator? Ans: Adobe Illustrator is an advanced vector-based graphic design software which is generally used for making vector based designs like logos, illustrations, infographics, stationery, cartoons, and all type of typesetting work. It was first developed by Apple Macintosh in January 1987. This program is used by both artists and graphic designers to create vector illustrations and designs. Illustrator can support SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics),...

Operators in JavaScript

Operators help in conducting some operations and adding logics in JavaScript. Operators are the foundation to prepare any expression in JavaScript. According to MDN there are 10 categories of operators but I will talk about only essential and very useful operators. Operators in JavaScript JavaScript has unary, binary and ternary operators and it depends on the number of operands they have. Unary Operator An unary operator will have single operand.Example: x++...
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