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Latest Internet Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

When it comes to interviews for Internet marketing jobs, there are always going to be some specific questions related to Internet marketing that are going to be asked– so we have prepared a list of important questions and answers which can be helpful from interview point of view and prepare them before facing any Internet Marketing Interview. Latest Internet Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for 2017 Ques1. What is Digital Marketing?...

Why User Experience is Important for Web and UI Designers?

As our industry’s technologies and methodologies advances, websites and web applications have become increasingly more complex. What used to be a static medium has progressed into a very rich and interactive experience. Every business nowadays needs a website that is dynamic as well as engaging at the same time. This helps them to attract the customers in such a way that they feel connected as well as there are more...

7 Famous Graphic Designer’s Portfolio, which Offer Some Fascinating Insights

Graphic design portfolios are an important tool for anyone wanting to showcase their work, list their achievements and influence clients to hire their services. The portfolio websites of some of the famous graphic designers are a great source of inspiration for web design. In this blog we will walk through with some inspiring examples. The designs are innovative and inspiring as the designers’ most famous work, and serve as a reminder...

How to create a best featured landing page?

The biggest challenge for any business is convincing prospects to buy and to capture visitor’s information. How to create a best featured landing page A landing page is a web page different from the main website that has been designed for a single focused objective. In online marketing, a landing page, sometimes known as a “lander”, or a “destination page”, is a single web page which appears in response to clicking...

Points Required to be a Great UI Developer

UI Developers emphasis on the way the functionality is displayed and the fine detail of how users interact with the interface. Points Required to be a Great UI Developer UI Developers are expert at creating something which both looks good and function in a browser/device at the same time. They produce visual designs in Photoshop and then convert them into HTML code. This requires in-depth knowledge of how browser rendering engines behave...

Mostly Used PHP Function, Classes and Features

PHP is a recursive acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”. It is a server side scripting language which is embedded in HTML. With the help of this many e-commerce sites are built and it manages dynamic content, databases, session tracking etc. It can be integrated with number of popular databases, comprising MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server. Mostly Used PHP Function, Classes and Features Some of the important functions,...
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