Simple yet most powerful object-oriented programming language is JAVA which has similar aspects of C++ language.

Let’s Talk About the History of Java
Java took 18 months to get released its first version in 1995. Java is developed by James Gosling, Mike and Patrick, they started working on Java from June 1991 at Sun Microsystems later takeover by Oracle.
If we talk about the History of Java, it starts from the team called Green team, which was concerned to develop a language for digital devices to connect the set-top box to the television and by developing that, they developed Java.
Common Uses of Java
Currently, Java can be used for gaming, mobile devices, e-business, and internet programming.
- Firstly, they named it “Green talk” with the extension of .gt.
- Later on, it called Oak because it denotes strength and it is a national tree of many countries like Romania, USA etc.
- Because there is already a company named as Oak Technologies and using its trademark. So, they have to drop the name and had a gathering for the new name.
- They Choose JAVA because they develop this language overnight by drinking the coffee which came from JAVA Island in Indonesia which was the first Coffee producer.
Few Facts and Stats About Java
- In most popular and important programming languages, Java is one of them.
- According to a survey, there are millions of Java developers working and using Java in daily life.
- Java is one of the best top 10 products produced in 1995 according to the Survey.
- Java is simple, high performance, secured, platform independent, portable, etc.
- If anyone had learned C++ previously can-do Java easily with fewer efforts because it eliminates all the puzzlement of topics like operator overloading and pointers etc.
- Java follows all the basic concepts of object-oriented languages and code on Notepad.
- It is more secure and develops error-free systems.
- Java has a facility to carry bytecode to any Platform hence it makes Java Portable.
- Java uses Compiler and Interpreter both.
- Java uses thread support built-in.
- It has no virtual keywords; hence non-static methods are overridden by defaults.
Important Points to Know While Working with Java
To create hello Java program, you must know some parameters like:
- class: it is used to declare a class in Java
- public: it is used to provide the visibility to all
- static: it is used because to invoke a static method, there is no need to create an object of it. It also helps to save memory
- void: it means, it does not return any value
- main: it denotes the starting of the program
Sometimes the question arises, is it necessary for a program inside the main method?
From JDK6 version onwards, the main method in Java is compulsory. If we missed writing the main method, then there will be a run-time error, i.e. “main method not found in the class”.
Myth– to save the Java file with the name of the class.
You can save the Java file with another name different from the class name but you must remember the name of the class because you can compile the code with file name but a file will always run with the class name. This is done for the debugging purpose of specific classes when having multiple classes.
So, it is a good practice to save the file with the class name only to avoid confusions.
JVM, JRE, and JDK in Java
In Java there are three confusing words:
- JVM– Java Virtual Machine is a machine which not exits physically but a virtual machine.
- JRE- Java Run Environment is a software set of libraries including JVM.
- JDK– Java Development Kit it exits physically in the combination of JVM and JDK.
Understanding Object Oriented Java
In this, the object is used to contain the data in the form of an attribute and the procedure follows this is called methods in this type of programming. This language basically deals with the dynamic programming language. There are many languages which build on this Oops programming principle. Oops also known as Object-Oriented Programming Language is a programming pattern based on the perceptions of objects and classes. In this, the object is used to contain the data in the form of an attribute and the procedure follows this is called methods in this type of programming.
This language basically deals with the dynamic programming language. There are many languages which build on this Oops programming principle.
Oops, Language includes:
1. Inheritance– Inheritance in Java can be achieved by object class directly or indirectly. If there is a class in Java which does not inherit by the class it inherits by the object class. It follows parent-child relationship which also known as IS-A relationship by using the word extends. In Java, implements keyword is used to inherit the properties of interfaces.
2. Encapsulation– Wrapping up of data into a single unit. Data manipulation and togetherness of code is a mechanism of encapsulation.
3. Abstraction– Abstraction is one of the combinations of encapsulation and inheritance. It uses to show the only important part of the program that developer wants to show and hide the rest of the dedicated parts of programming.
4. Polymorphism– It is the ability of an object which uses many functionalities of the inherited classes.
Java is a language which is high-level, object-oriented, and independent from a platform. Java is a language in which we have symbols and numbers instead of words and commands. It is flexible in creating the software, running Java on different operating systems. The new Java versions named as J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition), J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) and J2ME (Java 2 Mobile Edition). A JDK (Java Development Kit) is used for Android development which has a bunch of libraries instead of JVM. Java files are saved by the name of the class consider as a good practice.
So, this how be reached towards the end of this beginner guide. Now you need to consider about your training as for becoming a Java Master you really need professional training and learning Java courses will help you to do that. to comprehend each and every aspects that is necessary to for Java.
Go through our Java Course to know more.