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AutoDesk Maya Basic Quiz

An Autodesk Maya Quiz for beginner to check your basic conceptual knowledge of Autodesk Maya
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Play this beginner level Autodesk Maya quiz and know how much you have learnt about Maya software application. This Maya animation quiz is a set of 15 basic level multiple choice questions along with true and false. Give it a try and understand your strength and weakness.

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1. Which of the following editors is used to edit animation curves?


2. Which of the following tools is used to add smoothness to a sharp edge?


3. The _______ options is used to create a duplicate copy of a selected face.


4. ________ are physical properties that simulate the motion of natural forces.


5. NURBS stands for ____________________.


6. The Hotbox is used to assign the shortcut keys to the commands.


7. Which of the following options is used to produce the accurate rendering of daylight scenes?


8. The Pinch operation is used to pull the selected vertices toward each other while using the Sculpt Geometry Tool.


9. Maya Vector renderer cannot render bump maps, displacement maps, and fluid effects.


10. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to invoke the hotbox?


11. The ________ tool is used to rebuild the U and V spans.


12. Spacebar key is required to adjust the center pivot of an object


13. How many types of fluid effects are available in Maya?


14. Which of the following shortcut can be used to display an object in the object selection mode?


15. Which of the following lights is used to focus on an objects?


16. The options in the Animation Preferences dialog box are use to modify the animation control.


17. Which of the following deformers is used to modify an object using lattices?


18. Which of the following tools helps you move the selected objects in a workspace from one place to another?


19. Which of the following attributes is used to control the softness of the shadow?


20. The Flare deformer is used to taper an object in the X,Y, and Z axes.



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