Cinema 4D is really a good application for making 3D designs and animations. All beginners should go for it. That is why we have included it in our 3D animation training too. We have also added a separate module on 3D compositing using Cinema 4D in our courses in video editing and post production. There are many options, tools and settings in Cinema 4D. Deformers are one of them. Today we have brought this beginner guide on deformers in Cinema 4D for learners. This guide will provide a basic overview of all deformers that we have in the application.

What are Deformers in Cinema 4D?
Deformers are like adjustment layers of Photoshop which are non-destructive in nature. They change 3D object without disturbing its actual geometry. There are various ways in which we can change 3D mesh using them. They are available in Menu bar under Tools > Deformers.
Using Cinema 4D Deformers
In the Latest Cinema version total 31 deformers are there but in this blog, we are covering up top 30.1.
1. Bend deformed

Very first in the list is Bend Deformer. It bends both objects and texts.
Check the settings on right in object properties and adjust the mode, strength, angle, and size accordingly.
2. Bulge deformed

The Bulge option creates funky effect on both objects and texts. The way to bulge is similar to bend. Just drag and drop the Bulge tool into the object and use its properties.
We have curvature as another parameter to apply in Bulge.
3. Shear reformers

Shear deformer give a look like the slider.
Usually, strength and curvature are two most important properties to adjust in it.
4. Taper deformed

The taper style is unique. We can use it to create shapes like pyramids. By adjusting its strength and curvature, we can create the upper part like bullet shape.
5. Twist deformed

Add a twisting effect using twist on both object and text. You can use twist tool to create animation on text with key frames also.
6. FFD deformed

FFD stands for Free Form Deformer. The FFD deformer basically creates flexibility.
There are grid points X Y Z that we use to create smooth flexible effect on both object and text.
7. Camera deformed

The use of camera deformer to create the funky and liquid type animation object.
First, drag and drop into object. After the editing of the object, it should be separated with camera tool.
Then both camera and object should put in Null.
8. Correction deformed

The correction deformer adds flexibility and edits the edges. Select edge mode and work on object.
With the correction tool, you can also use another deformer like the bend tool. Before putting another deformer, first select the object and use commend Shift + V. Then select view and choose deformer for editing. After that, you can use both deformers like bend and correction tools one one object.
9. Mesh deformed

The mesh deformer converts the object into smooth and soft as a ball. Before using the mesh tool, create two objects with the same shape. Take one object then increase the segment and keep default settings on second shape.
Drag and drop tool into the object, select cages in mesh tool properties and put in the second shape with the default setting. Use simulation tags like rigid and soft body and use floor and plane also. Then you get the bouncy effect.
10. Explosion & Explosion FX deformed

The explosion & explosion FX both do the same work on objects, but some differences are there between them.
The explosion creates simple and 2D look effect on the object. You can set only strength and speed in it. The explosion FX creates realistic and 3D effects on objects. You can also set time, range, speed, strength, etc. in it. So, this is the main difference between explosion and explosion FX.
11. Melt Deformer

The melt deformer basically melts the object. Just drag and drop and adjust the strength and radius. The melt tool melts the object very easily
12. Shatter

The shatter basically breaks both object and text into pieces and falls on the ground. It looks like breaking glass falling on ground.
Adjust properties like strength, speed, end size and randomness.
13. Jiggle deformed

The jiggle deformer creates jelly type effect on the object. In the jiggle tool, you can adjust the strength only 25 or 30. After setting the object and jiggle tool, you can use turbulence for creating more smooth waves in the object.
14. Squash and Stretch deformed

The squash and stretch deformer is used to create squash & stretch on the object.
Just drag and drop into the object, then set the top and bottom according to shape in squash & stretch tool.
In the squash & stretch adjust the Factor because without adjusting it you can’t create squash & stretch effect on the object.
15. Collision deformed

The collision deformer makes soft and paper type effects on the plane. To use it, just select any object and drag & drop collision.
16. Shrink Wrap deformed

The shrink wrap deformer connects one object to another object.
Take the shrink wrap tool, just drag & drop it into the object. Then select another object and drag & drop it into the shrink wrap tool settings as target object.
17. Spherify deformed

Spherify shrinks and turns any object into a sphere.
Take a cube and increase all segments by 10 or 15. Then spherify tool just drag & drop into the object and set properties like strength and radius.
18. Smoothing deformed

The smoothing deformer makes object smoother. Add smoothing tool on object then adjust strength, stiffness and select smooth as type under object properties.
19. Surface deformed

The surface is another option to create a surface on the landscape shape. Take the landscape and plane shape, then take the surface tool and put in the plane object. Landscape will come under surface. In the surface tool, Adjust the U and V parameter to move the plane on the landscape surface. Adjust the strength and you can also change the type to mapping (V, U).
20. Wrap Deformer

It is for wrapping the object or text around. Steps to use is simple. Just drag and drop wrap tool into the object and set it to fit as child under parent object. Then adjust the longitude as your requirement to create wrap in the object.
21. Spline Deformer

The spline connects the object with the spline. In the spline tool, take two circle and plane. Set 2 circles above the plane. Add spline tool to the plane. Now add both circles under original spline and modifying spline. Adjust both circles position and radius of spline tool as your requirement.
22. Spline Rail deformed

The spline rail combines any spline shape with the object. In the spline rail tool, first create 2 splines in any shape with opposite directions. Then second take cube and set in the middle on both splines.
Take both splines, put them in the spline rail tool (Z spline left or right). Then automatically the shape of the object changes into a spline shape.
23. Spline Wrap deformed

The spline wrap deformer combines both object & text with the spline. Add spline wrap tool with drag & drop into the object. Then put the spline shape in the spline wrap. In the object adjust the height and rotation segment. In the spline shape adjust the height only.
24. Displacer deformed

The displacer deformer helps in making realistic texture effect on the object. Take the object, put in the texture material, then take the displacer tool and drag & drop into the object. In the displacer tool, go to shading and change channel, use color. Put in the texture material of the object. Adjust the all segment by 40 to 50 in object.
25. Formula deformed

The formula deformer makes ripple effect on the object. The formula tool is similar to use. Just drag & drop it into the object. Now set all segments by 10 or 50 in the object as per your requirement. In the formula tool, first, click on fit to parent, then adjust the effect and size.
26. Wind Deformer

The wind deformer adds a flag effect on the object. In the object, adjust all segments by 10 and the wind, just drag & drop into the object. In the wind tool, adjust frequency and turbulence as your requirement.
27. Bevel deformed

The bevel deformer helps in making an more flexible object. In the object set all segments by 5 or 10. Then add bevel. The properties of the bevel tool, adjust angle threshold, bevel mode, offset mode, offset, subdivision, and depth as your requirement.
28. Point Cache deformed

The Point cache deformer copies the point cache tag in the object. In the object, set any deformer with correction and in the correction set point cache tag by rigging tag. Then in the point cache tag start calculating. Then make another object with the same shape and put it in the point cache tool.
In another object, the point cache tag drag & drop into the point cache tool.
29. Morph Deformer

The morph deformer creates rigging on any object and morphing the shape.
30. Delta Mush deformed
Delta Mush helps in making smooth deformations.
We have discussed all the important deformers in Cinema 4D. For better understand, check our Cinema 4D course and enroll in it to learn it from scratch.
About Author
Hello, this is Gurmann Singh. I’m a 3D designer. I completed my 12 months diploma in editing and 3D compositing from ADMEC Multimedia Institute a few years back. I got the chance to write one of my favorite tools. I hope u found it useful.
Thanks for reading.