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PHP Courses Institute Delhi

Our institute would like to focus on ‘PHP’ in this post first. Our institute will introduce you to the history of PHP, use of PHP, features of PHP, and syntax of writing a PHP code in our PHP training here.

PHP Courses Institute Delhi
PHP Courses Institute Delhi

What is PHP and How PHP is Useful for Web Development?

PHP, which stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor”, is a general purpose scripting language that was originally designed for server-side web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into HTML. This language is also used for command-line scripting and client-side graphical user interface (GUI) applications.

PHP has syntax similar to C, C++, Java and Perl languages. It typically runs on a web server that takes PHP as input and gives out HTML pages as output. The current version of PHP is 5.5.0 alpha. It was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has been in continuous development ever since. PHP is available as a processor for most modern web servers and as standalone interpreter on most operating systems and computing platform. PHP is free software released under PHP License.

Features of PHP

  • It is free and open source language
  • Uses both object-oriented and procedural paradigms
  • Support many databases such as MySQL and Oracle
  • Supports all major platforms such as UNIX, windows and even mainframes
  • Easy to learn but hard to master
  • Speed and robustness

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

History of PHP

History of php

Our institute will cover in this PHP course about the development of PHP that was began in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. He originally created a set of Perl scripts and called them as “Personal Home Page tools” which perform various task such as displaying his resume as well as collect information on his website, such as the site’s traffic info.

Lerdorf later announced the release of PHP in June 1995 and transcribed these Perl scripts into a set of CGI binaries written in C, and in doing so, combined it with his own Form Interpreter to create “Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter” (PHP/FI).

How do Dynamic Websites Work?

static vs dynamic website

Dynamic means the data or content can change ‘dynamically’. Dynamic sites generate web pages as visitors request them. It is capable of handling websites which involve great amount of interactivity and dynamic features. Our institute will teach you in this PHP course that how to produce dynamic web pages using PHP and MySQL.

Scripting languages are the mechanism by which you are able to track visitor behavior based on just about any criteria you can think of. PHP takes input from the visitor through URL parameters, forms, and cookies. In other words, browser sends an HTTP request to web server. It then look up the database for retrieval of the information and perform logic based the available data resulting in a customized HTML web pages.

You will be learning in this PHP Course; how a database stores information for the website and can be updated using a Content Management System (CMS). It can store all the text, images, statistics, members, and anything else. The database can display and cross reference any data stored – which makes it a powerful tool in building larger websites.

Why PHP is so Popular in Web Development?

why php is popular in web development

In this competitive online world every company wants to own a website which will bring success to the business. Web development process requires lot of hard work and research for developing an attractive website. For creating innovative websites you require latest technology.

There are many technologies available in the market and one of them is PHP that out institute will train you. This PHP Course from our institute allows building of complex, sophisticated sites, and writing desktop applications. There are other web programming languages to choose, however PHP is the language of choice for web development for most web programmers. The reasons are:

1. PHP is Open Source

As mentioned earlier that PHP is as open source platform, it gives you an opportunity to create a customized website which means that you can create a website with your own requirements as there are no restrictions in customization. It also means that anyone can access and edit the source code, and contribute to future development. There are many support groups, forums, and teams supporting PHP.

2. PHP is a Server-side Scripting

PHP is server-side scripting language which means that processing is done on the web host’s server, rather than on your machine. This allows you to access various sites which are developed using PHP, such as Facebook from any computer, enter your username and password, and access your account. The user does not need any special browser or plug-ins to see the PHP in action.

3. PHP is Easy to Learn

PHP has become one of the most widely used web programming language and does not comprise of many complexities. If a programmer has a fair knowledge in C++ or C, he/she will not face any difficulty while coding PHP language. This is because of the similarities that exist between these languages. In addition, you can also get the support from the websites that provides free step-by-step guides to learn PHP. With such a wealth of viewable source code and no shortage of online tutorials, PHP is easy to learn.

Our Web Design Institute in Delhi provides 2 courses in PHP.

4. PHP has Multiplatform Connectivity

In this PHP Course our institute will also teach you about PHP’s multiplatform compatibility. This language supports all major platforms such as UNIX (including HP-UX, Solaris and OpenBSD), LINUX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, RISC OS, and probably others. PHP also allows you to choose an operating system and web browser that you are most comfortable with. Furthermore, you also have the choice of using procedural programming or object oriented programming (OOP), or a mixture of them both.

5. PHP Programs Run with Speed

There are very few PHP courses institutes in Delhi who focus on the performance of PHP applications. PHP programs run faster than other web programming language as PHP code runs in its own memory space. It doesn’t use a lot of the system’s resources and doesn’t tend to slow other processes down.

6. PHP is Economical

The cost of developing a website in PHP language is remarkably low. Linux can be used for running PHP programs and Linux is the free operating system. Also, PHP uses MySQL, which is freely available. As with Open Source products, the resources accessible to a PHP developer are at no cost of charge.

This makes PHP very attractive to independent web developers. Whereas other server-side scripting languages such as ASP run on IIS installed on a Windows platform server, which is not free and requires both initial and ongoing costs for maintenance and debugging will be covered later in this PHP course too.

7. PHP is Awesome in Database Connectivity

PHP, being extremely flexible, can connect to various databases, such as Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL and the most popular being MySQL. It can both read and write information in the database. It also incurs extra expenditure because MySQL can be accessed for free.

In PHP, connection with database is built with the mysql_connect() function. Our PHP course will target DBA, DBX, ODBC, and PDO also in here.

Popular Websites Using PHP

  • facebook.com
  • wikipedia.org
  • wordpress.com
  • babylon.com
  • drupal.org
  • joomla.org
  • ebay.com
  • magento.com
  • web-development-institute.com

Basic PHP Syntax

A simple program in PHP code embedded in HTML code.

     echo "Hello World";

A PHP program contains HTML tags, and some PHP scripting code. PHP code always starts with <?php and ends with ?>. The PHP interpreter executes PHP script written within its delimiters. In between the HTML tags where ever you want to make use of PHP code, you will have to use <?php code ?> and this will be parsed by PHP. The above script sends the text “Hello World” back to the browser.

Each line must end with a semicolon which is used as separator to distinguish one set of instructions from another. Echo is a statement used to output text. Every PHP file will have an extension of .php.

All the keywords and built-in constructs are case in-sensitive, which means, there is no difference between echo and ECHO. To learn more about PHP syntax you can contact our institute at 9811-8181-22.

Master PHP with our expert guidance at the Best Web Development Institute in Delhi!


PHP is one of the most popular scripting languages in use on the internet today. It is considered as a collection of tools for performing various server-side functions in an HTTP, or Web, server. With just a little effort to learn and use this language, PHP will increase the functionality of your site, making it more effective for both the site owner and for the customer.

PHP can be run on any kind of platform as well as it can be connected with different types of databases. Its capabilities allow PHP web developers to create powerful and highly effective web applications. One can learn PHP course from our institute with 100% placement assurance.

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