Explore the top questions on C language with this basic quiz

C Language Basic Quiz

C language is a general processing language and also known as the mother of all existing modern computer programming language. Play this basic level C language quiz and see how well you know its basics and what concepts are left to learn. Play the questions which are coming with objective MCQs along with true and false.

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1. How many types of arrays are there in C language


2. Which of the following is not a reserved word in C langauge?


3. How many types of functions are there in C language


4. The C variables are case insensitive


5. What is void?


6. Pointer stores the _______ of another value.


7. Can we do global declaration in C Language


8. Which one of them is a datatype

void sum ( arg 1, arg 2 ) {

// code



9. What are structure?


10. Which of them is not a constant?


11. Who is the founder of C language?


12. Which of the following is true about C Programming?


13. Which keyword is used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function?


14. What is array in C Language


15. What is the size of a pointer


16. Which of them is a control statement?


17. Which of these returns the integer value which is greater than or equal to given number


18. How many types of user defined functions are there


19. Single line comments are represented by


20. C is a Programming Language?



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